Adar Goes Out With a Bang

No, that's not Yassin's car, that's a car parked on a Jerusalem street.
After justice was meted out to but one of the Haman's of our time, the month of Adar ended with a 3:30 AM bonfire in our 'seam-line' neighborhood of Morasha (Musrara) set by Ishmaelite youth disgruntled at the IDF's treatment of their wheelchair-bound cult leader.
When I passed by, the indigent Moroccan Jews of the neighborhood, who've been here since the Jordanian border served as one end of their soccer field, were gathered around the torched car.
"Looks like they got Rantissi," said one. "Arab ne'er-do-wells," said a first-generation Musrara-nik - here since '53.
"Little did the Arabs know, "one neighbor told me, "that they chose the car of the biggest leftist on the block." The neighborhood has become centrifuged over the past decade, with diplomats, EH and UN operatives, and Hebrew U. Faculty members moving in.
"What's funny is that he won't admit Arabs did it - he's certain it was Jews who are at fault," said the neighbor, looking at the savagely smashed vehicle and the branches overhead that had caught fire along with the car due to the intensity of the gasoline-induced conflagration. "kacha zeh b'Yisrael haYom," lamented the neighbor - "That's what it's like in Israel today."
We are getting over it, though.
'Pesach is coming...' I hear whispered from rooftops and dark alleys of the Jewish State.
And it is. You'll see.
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