
I wanted to reiterate Ben's thanks to all those who turned out to march with us. (Scroll down for the link the the pictures.) We all had a great time! And while we may not have been the largest or even the loudest group (like those Chai Riders right behind us) don't underestimate the impact we made yesterday.
This year I was lucky enough to hand out a large duffle bag's worth of "I'm making Aliyah" and "Aliyah Revolution" pins to the crowd. Yes, unlike most other groups marching, Kumah has always been crowd-friendly. And it's extra nice hearing what random Jews in the crowd have to say. One lady said "I'm going in three months!" Another fellow told me he already made Aliyah and was just visiting New York. One couple told me they just bought an apartment in Jerusalem. Others said "You're absolutely right: Aliyah is the only answer!"
The best was when folks looked down at the pin I handed them and back up at me and said,
"But I can't wear this, I'm not making Aliyah."
"Oh, really? Why not? You love Israel, right? So come on home!"
They smiled, nodded and clipped those pins right on. Yep, while they may not be coming tomorrow - yesterday we got a lot of people thinking. And that's the point. Sure, we all love Israel. But if we truly love our homeland why not be a part of her?
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