Why Dance? We Know Our Gush Katif Trees Will Not Be Uprooted

(AP Photo)
The A7 Tu B'Shvat tree planting in Gush Katif was awesome. Jewish Gaza is alive, kicking, and inspiring our people to move forward with the Jewish Project.
My wife and I brought our 3-year-old avocado sapling that we raised in our Jerusalem windowsill since it was a seed and planted it firmly in the outlying neighborhood of Tiferet Yisrael - near N'vei Dekalim.

I invite every Jew to come visit us yearly when we spend Tu B'Shvat in the serene shade of this Avocado tree, in Gush Katif. Maybe we will even share some guacamole with you (bring your own nachos).
Tu B'Shvat Sameach!
Oh, one more thing. Kumah.org has been nominated for several blog-awards. Polls are open until Sunday (click here to vote).
Update: More pictures

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