An Announcement

I was watching a historical recreation on Channel 8 last night. Magnificent stuff. One day this will be a major industry of Greater Israel (which I think should be called Beit Ever) - films about Jewish history. But the Jews will speak Hebrew, not English!!! And the Romans will look like Italians, not like Britons. In this film, you see Jews who were proud and fierce. What does that mean? Nothing. Just that. They were proud and they were fierce. How could you tell? You could see it in their eyes.
And when Josephus - hiding in a well in Yodfat, as it is being run over by Romans - tells his subordinate officers and soldiers there is no point in fighting, they immediately turn on him and want to kill him. And they would have, too! They were arsim, folks! They had pride! So he has to trick them into committing suicide but he rigs it so he remains last, and then he turns himself in to the Romans.
But that's not the important thing. The important thing is we had a normal, an ultra-normal, proud, people, with a purpose.
Oh and by the way, how do you think the Jews manage to repulse the Roman siege for 47 days? What do they do against the Roman siege towers? They...
Dig a tunnel!!! Hahaha! They were the Hamas (tphooey!) 2000 years before the Hamas ever existed.
We Jews were not originally Jews, you know.
We were HaYehudim.
The contraction "Jews" was part of the process of our denigration, I'm sure. Calling a Judean a "Joo" is like calling an Arab a "Rab" or a Pakistani a "Paki," if you ask me.
Anyhow - we were regional power that had everything going for it: strong, proud, with a sense of direction and leadership. We decided to go for the whole hog (oops, sorry! Unkosher phrase). We said "yes G-d, double or nothing." And that is why we have been eating sh-t for so long. Because if you want the whole hog, you have to pay for it.
Objectively speaking, despite and because of the cognitive dissonance and deep sense of helplessness, dread and self-loathing caused by our self-loathing and self-defeating people's behavior, despite the craziness induced by their craziness, we need to realize this is our moment to seize.
Our leftism is not innate. Our matriarchalism is not innate. These are things that served our purpose for 2000 years. Jewish leftism, even bolshevism and marxism and pacifism and self loathing - all of these served a purpose for 2000 years. They helped bring the Mashiach. They helped build the Temple.
Because without Karl Marx and tens of thousands of Jewish marxist activists in 19th and early 20th century Europe, Hitler might never have attacked Russia - or he might have done it after subjugating the West.
Because without the Jewish liberals in the USA, the US could have taken a path that would not have left it as the world's number one and sole superpower, and put it on a collision course with a lot more than the Arab/Muslim world.
Et cetera.
But whereas anti-establishmentary, anti-religious philosophies of doubt serve the Jewish purpose when applied to non-Jewish countries and nations, or to ourselves in times when it is necessary to suck it in, to take it and lie low, to pursue a policy of havlaga - once we arrive at the historic moment when we must act hard and strong, we need to shed these philosophies. Instead of being the People of the Left, we need to become the People of the Right.
Early zionism, Ben Gurionian zionism, made the first steps towards a right-wing Jewish mindset, but stopped short, of course. Now is the time to take the next step towards being a right-wing, patriarchal people. Reality will force us in this direction.
Labels: Gil Ronen
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