
Recently, a listener to my show took exception when I said that American Jewry was Kosher-Style. "How", the incredulous listener asked, "could you compare the treif misrepresentation of the restaurants to living in America?"
So please let me explain: American Jewry is not kosher-style, it's American Orthodox Jewry which is kosher-style.
There they are, parading their black hats to everyone, making sure to keep Shabbos, and Kashrus. But Eretz Yisrael? Even though every page of the Siddur mentions it in one way or another, even the Torah seems obsessed with it, the American-Orthodox seem Exile-content.
Is this Kosher? No, its Kosher-Style. It has the trappings of Kosher - looks like a Jew, seems like a Jew, but in the final analysis, not acting like a Jew. A Jew needs to strive to get closer to Hashem, to serve Him, and not to serve himself. Our forefathers gave up everything to live here and they set an example for how we should behave. The Matriarch Rachel cries waiting for her children to come home, but we say "whatever". For American Jews "Next Year in Jerusalem" means "next year… maybe - but definitely not now."
Kosher-style is, of course, treif, a harsh accusation. Is it fair for me to call all those good Jews treif, when they may be very pious? Yes, there is one thing that makes American Jewry totally treif, and it's not only that they don't make Aliyah - rather it's the fact that AMERICAN JEWRY CAUSES YERIDA!
Have you ever wondered why Israelis who make Yerida almost invariably move to the States? The US is of course a great place to live, but it is American Jewry which gives secular Israeli's the legitimization to move there. An Israeli who is fed up with Israel's challenges needs only look to his Orthodox Jewish-American "brother" and ask himself: "Am I frumer than he is? He goes to Shul, he eats Kosher, he lives a Jewish life. So what do I need this Israel for, for ideology? Not. I'm not more idealogical then he is. Let me move to the US where I won't have to send my kids to the army and I'll get to live the good life - Kosher-Style!"
We all know that American Jewry transgresses a sin of omission in not making Aliyah. But the real truth is that American Jewry can be faulted for a sin of greater severity: taking Jews away from the Holy Land. Yerida, going down, choosing the exile. Choosing the Exile.
This sin can be overcome in an instant; this mitzva is beckoning at every moment.
At April 25, 2007 at 10:04 AM ,
Yael said...
Yishai, this is counter-productive. Who's going to rush out to make aliyah because you insulted them into it? Contrary to what you seem to think, you're not doing the Jewish people any favors here. You're just making us feel badly.
I've never encountered such a lack of kindness at before. It's a shame, because not only are you discouraging people from making aliyah, you're also discouraging them from even reading about it at this site.
At April 25, 2007 at 10:14 AM ,
Yishai said...
Dear Yael,
I have always written positivity about Aliyah and American Jewry. But there is another side - a destructive side - and after years of writing about Aliyah, I wanted to reveal that there is another side to this equation called Yerida. This post is not about making people feel bad, it's about facing a harsh reality, and it's about fostering some much needed discussion. (By the way, although I talk about Yerida which is bad enough, I didn't even mention assimilation.....)
At April 25, 2007 at 10:33 AM ,
Black Hatted Bob from Brooklyn said...
From a fellow H.Y.A'er, great article! Right to the point!!!!
Reminds me of one of Rabbi Kahane's letters about how the Kosel responds when all the American Orthodox come to visit "as one coming to greet an old friend" and "walking backwards when leaving the wall."
At April 25, 2007 at 10:57 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I write here in the depths of staunchly antizionist Williamsberg, may G-d bless all of Klal Yisroel with peace and understanding.
I can tell you from an "Kosher Style" Jew- the comforts and ease of the American grind are a very powerful force-
How can a father of a family, paying tuitions, having large debt (student loans), with a mortgage, credit card bills, health insurance bills and the like be insipred and motivated to go? The focus of us Brooklynites is more on the hours that Kosher Subway on Avenue J is open then on the significance of Homesh. As much as we try, from a distance to be connected to Home, the lack of talk around here is like the nail in a coffin.
There was mamesh not a sign, not a poster, not a comment or anything about Yom HaAtzmaut. Not even a sign announcing slichos and taynis in Williamsberg!!!
Many new olim who we know, who go to learn for a year or two, speak about how "heilig" Friday night is, which sucking away Mommie and Daddies retirement fund. The Aliyah I'm talking about is the Avnei Nezer's Aliyah, supporting ones self solely from the work done in E"Y, not taking financial support from abroad.
We American jews all have our chesbonos, good or not, for not coming Home.
People have asked shaylos from their Rabonim, who have advised them not to go- even having to ask a shayla about it is already a sign of a lack of dedication.
At April 25, 2007 at 1:15 PM ,
Ruthi Brenner said...
Call a spade a spade: Those few American Jews who do feel pangs of guilt occasionally vis a vis their non-aliyah, will continue, as always to make constant and lame excuses. We here all know that their "mitzvot" are not really counted; rather a so-called "rehearsal" so they won't forget how to act if they do end up here (maybe as the result of the rampant anti-semitism which is greatly increasing everywhere: nowhere is immune, including Boro Park. Excellently written and very timely, Ishai! Yasher Koach.
At April 26, 2007 at 1:58 AM ,
Ezra said...
"Kosher Style" - great title.
America's Jews have made Kosher so cool it's stylish - but are like the menu at the Second Avenue Deli - full of shmaltzy feel-good Jew stuff, but contradictory as they build Golden Calves and call them Temples. As they sit and learn the Sinaitic document and skip over all of the practical commandments that scream out that the whole point is to create a whole society where our nation can implement that national project outlined in the Torah.
I am always partial to the claim that no American Jew is going to be shamed into making Aliyah - and I doubt they will survive here if that is the reason they came - but world events and just the way things are playing out make it impossible not to mention the 800-pound swine in the room now and then.
Kosher Style. Ha.
At April 26, 2007 at 2:16 AM ,
Anonymous said...
i am truly appreciative of the struggle that is going on through this blog...and this is also encouraging to see that ..some.. have a more acute awareness of the need for American Jewry to bestir its self to the volatility of our times....the imperative nature Israel is to their survival,the great and on going struggle Israel is engaged in for her own survival,and how those two vital needs are so wisely served when one simply gets on the airplane and makes the move...
forgive me for being the brutal realist Jew that i am...(and the not so eloquent an orator...though i try...)..but it just boggles my mind to see almost the entire american Jewish population in a state of... like....its absolutely OK to live, die and be buried in american bliss....does it really take a rocket scientist to turn the clock back 70yrs and alignment these's just a sample of the math...
..if Israel was the modern, developed and well armed...(blessed be he)..nation that it is now back then, would our greatly beloved perished european family of 6 million have made their way southeast? much time... in foresight... would have been needed to complete the exodus?....
With state of the art ability to conduct travel in our modern time, and lets say everybody just swallowed my little synopsis for prophetic and just started mega-booking flights....and lets even go as far as saying that's a thousand a day...(blessed be he)...on the ground.. (holy) Tel-Aviv...and if you use the rule of measure that our enemies used to define a Jew in WWI2....lets say at the least 10mil. to trans port.....yea....that's like....after the polar ice caps.....after the oil-based economy.....after the Democrats let the terrorists really do some mayhem..etc..etc..we thus come to the realization that we need some great big miracles...but...hey...if Israel isn't a great big miracle what is..i therefore have hope...G-d is still with us ...even as he was when he took us by the hand and led us out of mitzryem....but there's a lot of work to be done....shalom va toda.
At May 2, 2007 at 5:07 AM ,
frumbabe said...
nobody but kook tolerated sacrificing tora observrance on the alter of aliya.
At May 2, 2007 at 5:49 AM ,
Rafi G. said...
frumbabe - I am not sure I understand you. Are you saying that Rav Kook felt aliya was more important than shmirat mitzvos? what is your source for that?
At May 2, 2007 at 7:06 PM ,
The Anchorite said...
I have to disagree with you on a number of points.
A. Americans living in the US are not the cause of yeridah, the abysmal situation in Israel (security, education, politics, jobs etc.) is the cause of Yeridah,
B. What is the point of this post? do you really think some frum jew in america will read it and say
"gee, he's right, lets pack our bags and make aliyah"
Unfortunatly, Aliyah is not for everyone. Trying to "guilt trip" people into making aliyah shows a poor understanding of frum jews, and the difficulties involved in making aliyah.
a much better approach is to expound on the beuty and holyness of living in israel (see Reb Barry's comment, or other blogs like Jameel, ben chorin,treppenwitz, a simple jew, lazerbeams, OOS, and many others)
At May 3, 2007 at 12:38 AM ,
Yishai said...
Dear Anchorite,
A. American Jews living in the US are not the cause of Yeridah - they are its facilitators. We have created a better Israel in Teaneck - and that is a sin. By the way, the situation in Israel is not "abysmal". We certainly have problems, but I'd rather live in Israel, with 5 million wonderful Jews, breathing the air of Yerushalayim the abode of Hashem, any day. Let the Goyim keep New York. Got has given us the opportunity to be close to Him, and with all the challenges - life here amazing!
B. The point of my post is to tear down illusions that help US Jews justify their stay. Yes, I think that one Jew may read this post and say, "You know what, he's right, I don't want to live Kosher-Style anymore - I want to live fully on my land, speaking the Holy tongue, close to the Holy places, and serve Hashem with all my heart, my soul and my belongings." If one Jew will feel "guilt" and come on Aliyah - then my little grating post was worth it.
C. I want to welcome you to Kumah for the first time. It is obvious to me that you are here for the first time, for if you had been here before you would know that we have been "expound[ing] on the beauty and holiness of living in Israel" for many years and will continue to do so. I simply thought it was time for some tough love/Tochecha. That's what people who really care for one another do.
At May 7, 2007 at 11:16 AM ,
Der Shygetz said...
This is one kosher Jew who will never make yerida to the failed Bolshevik "Israeli Soviet Socialist Republic."
There are only 2 places in the world (and I've lived in a supposedly anti-Semitic European country where never once did I have any problems) where I have been made fun of for my typical "charedi" dress. One was Copenhagen, Denmark, and the culprits were Muslim teens. The other was Yerushalayim, and it did not happen just once, either. And the culprits were deracinated descendants of tayere Yidden who were forced to secularize by the Bolshevik regime in the medina.
The Israelis, religious, secular, and yes, chareidi, are "playing country" the way we played store or house as little children. And Daddy, made up of the USA, Jews from abroad, and a few suspicious characters like Leviev and Gaidamak (intelligence-mafia operatives), Arison (fortune inherited from Daddy who left Israel and made in the USA), Tshuva (pushtak who got lucky), etc who made their money abroad and are laundering it through Israel, are paying the bill.
Your country is kosher style. It sticks out its kosher feet which is eretz hakedoisha that it occupies, but the rest is glatt treyf. It is an occupation force that is defiling Eretz Yisroel. There is more kedusha in a bathroom in Boro Park than in most of Tel Aviv.
At May 8, 2007 at 6:56 AM ,
Josh said...
The land of Israel has an intrinsic holiness, regardless of who rules it, what their behavior is, etc. There is infinitely more intrinsic holiness in a toilet in Tel Aviv than in a shul in Boro Park.
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