2 Bee or Not 2 Bee

I just finished listening to your show of August 2 concerning the plight of honeybees in the US, their importance to the agricultural economy, and its possible spiritual significance. If I may I would like to suggest a bit more to the possible symbolism. As you pointed out the queen lays an egg in each cell. The egg hatches into the larva, a sluggish looking thing that cannot fend for itself and can only eat the honey that is fed to it by the workers. After a certain number of days a pupa forms (the resting & transformation stage). Soon out from the cell emerges an adult bee, complete in its form, beautiful in its structure; built and devoted to service and defense of the hive. Could it be that this is what is meant by the land of milk & honey (the honey portion that is)? G_d planted his people in the land of Israel as immature and relatively helpless. They "fed" in and on the land in the past as they should feed in the present. The "honey" converts them from slug-like immature humans into complete humans dedicated to the service and defense of the land.
Another characteristic of honey is its antibiotic qualities. In older times soldiers and others would often salve their wounds with honey to prevent infections. Think about it, a container of honey can be left in the cupboard rather than in the frig - mold will not grow on it because of the antiseptic nature. Is it possible that living in the land of Israel does the same thing for G_d's people? Living elsewhere exposes one to sin and makes the evil inclination stronger, while living in the Promised Land, like honey, helps to cleanse one from sin and the evil inclination.
Also the adult bees, when they travel or when they perform their "dance" to communicate food sources to others in the hive, - it is all done with reference to the sun - the sustainer in life in the biological world. They constantly orient themselves to the position of the sun. Should it be the same for all humans, but especially for His people living in Israel - always checking on G-d's position and orienting to it?
Well, what do you think? Does this make sense? As you and your bride seemed so interested in bees and honey, I thought you might find these thoughts interesting.
All the best & stay strong,
Tekonsha, Michigan USA
Labels: Beauty of the Land, Life cycles, Yishai
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