
I believe in good movies and television. I think that moving picture media is full of junk, but there are gems out there. I have to thank Yehuda HaKohen for indtroducing me to this film. He showed it once at a Am Segula Shabbaton in Gush Katif. Ever since then I have been waiting for it to be released on DVD - and it finally has!
Plot summary: Flavius Silva, commander in Roman Palestine, wants to reach a reasonable compromise with the Jewish Zealots and withdraw his legion. Events and personalities in Rome, however, lead to his besieging the fortress of Masada. There, the Romans must fight both the harsh climate and landscape, and the passion and ingenuity of Eleazar Ben Yair and his people.
I found this writeup on the net:
"Masada is amazing, in part, because it is a true story and also because it is truly a fascinating drama. Originally filmed as a mini-series, at 6 plus hours, it has been released in short (movie length) form but don't bother with that edition. Even though it (the six hour video set) is quite long, not one minute will bore you. It is a story of the a battle of wits against (Jewish) patriots. The cast is superb, with Americans playing the Jews and British actors as the Romans. The lowly soldiers speaking in "middle class" dialect while the officers sound more aristocratic...a really nice touch. Peter O'Toole has never been better in his role as Flavius Silva commander of the Roman regiment dispatched by Rome to capture the Jews holding out at Masada...a huge, almost impregnable mountain fortress. Anthony Quayle and David Warner also do some of their best work ever. Peter Straus as Eleazar, leader of the Jews is passionate in his convictions and the rest of the cast shines also. The mind games they utilize on each other are fascinating and make for engrossing drama. It is truly one of the best mini-series, or historical epics ever put to film. The newly released 4 video set consists of 90 mins. per video so one can enjoy Masada over four evenings. Note: As of 2007 it is now available on DVD. The viewer will feel it is time well spent."
I agree, and think it is a great educational film which really gives you a sense of the time and puts you in the Hanukah zone. You can order it, as I did, on Amazon.
At December 3, 2007 at 6:02 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Yishai! I bought this DVD series after my trip to Israel in March 2007! I can't believe you have a review here on Kumah! I loved the movie too and well worth the four disc set which runs about $100.00 US dollars. The Masada tour features a clip of the movie on a big screen as part of the Masada experience. All the people in our group were interested in getting the movie when they got home. Another good movie made in 1960 is "Exodus" with Paul Newman and Eve Marie Saint, Peter Lawford and little known John Derek(Bo Derek's future husband) who plays the Muslim friend! Does it get any better than Paul Newman's blue eyes against the beautiful vistas of Israel?? Be still my heart! BTW,Paul Newman is Jewish! judith
At December 4, 2007 at 4:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
My husband and i just finished watching Masada a couple weeks ago (4 parts on TWO DVDs) and we agree with you that it is VERY worthy of the time spent. However the cost mentioned in the previous comment would discourage many from making the purchase. The movie is $25 at Amazon, NOT $100, and a great thing to pass around for others to watch during this season when we are reminded of our fight for Truth.
Priscilla R
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