Video: Exposing The New Christians
(Or click here.)

Last year on a flight to New York I was seated with a group of what I thought were traditional American Christians. But I noticed they were all wearing a logo I had not seen before. It was a combo of the fish (you know which one I mean), the Star of David, and a seven branch menorah. I now know this is the symbol for Messianic Judaism , the latest religious craze sweeping across America. Here is just one of many lists of Messianic Congregations in North America today.
Movements and organizations have sprung up with names like:
Chosen People Ministries
Coalition of Torah Observant Messianic Congregations
Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues
International Federation of Messianic Jews
First Fruits of Zion
Messianic Bureau International
Messianic Israel Alliance
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
One Law Messianic
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
Union of Torah Observant Ministries
Now many of these “messianics” have their eye on Israel and even Aliyah! "MiTzion Productions" put together a five minute informative video about what’s going on and why you should care.
At March 3, 2008 at 11:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...'s working now
At March 3, 2008 at 11:09 AM ,
Jesse said...
The video has been taken off of YouTube...there aren't any results for MiTzion Productions either...
At March 3, 2008 at 12:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Love the song!!! "Behold how good and pleasant it is to dwell with our brothers as one." Psalm 133
I prayed that in Hebrew at the Kotel last year and cried my eyes out. It was an anointed moment.
I don't know enough about these groups as a Catholic...and Catholics don't evangelize too well...we were never taught. I think because Catholicism is so heavily rooted in Judaism,and,of course, Jews don't evangelize either. But I digress...I just don't think Hashem would let anyone but the Jewish people have claim over the land. And that may manifest thru both natural and supernatural events. judith
At March 5, 2008 at 11:17 AM ,
josh said...
not working again.
At March 16, 2008 at 2:25 PM ,
Anonymous said...
what about the those who are born Jews and are Messianic? No one has the authority to take away the right of any Jew to make aliyah, no matter what their conviction is. No Karaite, No Samaritan, No Messianic, No Rabbinical Jew has a right to say "because you're not in my denomination, you're not a Jew". We are Nazarenes, the original Torah observant Jews that believe in Yeshua.
At March 16, 2008 at 4:14 PM ,
Ned Ryerson said...
They were Torah observant by nullifying the law, following a false messiah and drafting a fraudulent non-Divine document to supersede the Torah?
I often argue that I have much less a problem with someone falling for a fake messiah (especially such a nice Jewish boy) then someone teaching and preaching the profound ignorance and delusional nature of our forefathers' beliefs and revelations.
But so much of our blood was spilled for stupid J-man (sounds a lot like Haman)that there is still a visceral distaste in the Jewish heart for traitors. You Yeshua-obsessed brethren are feared because you apparently sincere beliefs scare all the folks at the ADL who think their children mike fall for it and also that they might become conservative politically as they begin taking their Christianity-in-a-kippa seriously (Hey, once you become a cardinal - everyone wears kippot, right?)
At March 19, 2008 at 8:10 PM ,
Anonymous said...
We do not nullify the law, those are Christians who do that. Nazarenes follow the Mosaic law. Plus, if I think Yeshua is the messiah then I will receive the writings of his disciples. Lets take the Talmud for example, Karaite Jews are very offended that Rabbinical Jews take the Talmud along with the Torah, because they think it's not divinely inspired. But as a Rabbinical Jew, it is part of the tradition you have been given, same here with the Brit Chadasha. You can believe that Yeshua is not the messiah if you want, but it doesn't mean that it is impossible for another Jew(by religion and/or blood) to. All I want is for all Hebrews to be able to make aliyah, without having to become Rabbinical or anything. The Karaites barely made it in, they were labeled s just "karaites" for a long time. Even if I was Catholic or Muslim, God gave this land to us. If you deny me that then you're just like some Muslims and Christians who say that the Jews forfeit the covenant because of our beliefs. I'm not here to convert you, I want to fulfill mitzvahs for Hashem too. I want to make aliyah because I'm a Jew by blood and religion. I'm proud to be a Torah observant servant of Hashem, and believe Yeshua is the messiah.
At May 11, 2008 at 11:59 PM ,
Qaraite Jew said...
~Praised be YHWH~
Sorry Anon., while you may technically be Jewish you do not practice any form of bonafide Judaism but rather a form of Xtianity. Hopefully the State of Israel will comtinue denying you and your kind the unique benefits afforded to real Jews.
At May 21, 2008 at 3:07 PM ,
Sandy said...
Some do not want Jews that believe in Yeshua to be able to make Aliyah. Yet at the same time, they allow Arabs in by the droves, they allow Arabs to retain ownership of the Temple Mound.
There are other messianics than believers in Yeshua. The Lubavitcher rebbe is believed by many to be moshiach (RABBI MENACHEM M. SCHNEERSON)
Gonna have to deny them aliyah also.
What about descendants of the jews that believed Shabatai Svi was messiah back in the 1600's... who converted to Islam BTW
A HUGE percentage of jews alive today would fall into that category, lets not allow them aliyah
Bar Kochba who led the revolt of 135AD --- descendants who believe he was moshiach shouldn't be able to make aliyah either, which would be astronomical in percentage if broke down into the jews of today.
Lets take every jew that descends from any jew that ever believe in a moshiach and not allow them aliyah, lets even kick them out of eretz Yisrael and give it over to Yishmael now and be done with it huh ? How long, How long will this separation remain? How Long will we remain a stiff necked people, never looking back, neck so stiff, only looking forward to more wealth and gain. No even able to turn and reach a hand out to those behind us falling by the way side.
I have an idea, we do what we can to unify and aliyah .. let HaShem sort Esau out from us as He said He would... Let HaShem destroy them. Quit hating your brothers, enough of the arrogance. This disagreement is about the same as the one raging between Orthodox, Reform, Conservative.. ect. ect. Yes, lets keep it up until we have as many denominations as the christians.. OR... we let HaShem handle it, and we just obey and aliyah
At July 16, 2008 at 10:05 AM ,
Michael said...
I tell you the truth...the judgement of Amos is about to befall 'the land', as 90% of those calling themselves 'Jews' DO NOT OBSERVE TORAH!! I've seen it with my own eyes. The reason why you cannot see YAHSHUA is because you've been waiting for the SECOND MESSIAH given in scripture. They both will stand and bear witness against this world.
What must happen? You already see the signs, and these are what must occur BEFORE THE SHABBAT REST...
1)The financial system must CRASH. Yes, your money is going to become USELESS. WHY? There is no BUYING OR SELLING ON SHABBAT.
2)The 1/3 BURNUP OF THE PLANET WILL COME....Isaiah 30:26, 2Peter 3:10. WHY? You shall not KINDLE A FIRE ON THE SHABBAT!
3)The RIGHTEOUS BRANCH WILL BE GATHERED IN. See Zech. 3/4, Jeremiah 16, 23, 31, Amos 9. This will be the booth of David. WHY? Because you shall not gather ON THE SABBATH!!!
Yes, there are many people who call themselves xians who are completely blinded. But those who are HONORING TORAH are worthy. They will LIVE IN PEACE WITH YOU, unlike the demons you have FAILED TO REMOVE FROM THE LAND. Get used to the idea...for it is a sure thing. And prepare yourself to say BARUCH HABA B'SHEM ADONAI.
At September 5, 2008 at 12:34 AM ,
Anonymous said...
From an American, to the jew. First of all you all need to take a deep breath and count your blessings that there are any of you left at all in this world. You sound like a bunch of old mean woman! Finally the christian is reaching out to the jew. After our long history of evil acts against the jew (for which there will never be an excuse for). Any rational thinking person cannot blame a jew for having ill feelings against christians. But now the chrisitans reach out to the jew. "Asking nothing in return". What do we european dissendents, care about the jew anyways? Especially with our history of persecuting the jew etc... You all act like you have a line of friends in this world willing to take on your cause of haveing your own nation which is Israel. I tell you wake up jew and smell the coffee. We Americans say that to someone that just "doesn't get it". When someone offers a hand and wants "nothing in return" don't slap it out of pride and anger. We (America) are in fact the only "true"friends the jews have in this world and yes we are a Christian nation. This Mitzion Pruductions, Ha! Bunch of garbage! You can take that to the cleaners Mitzion productions :)
At January 20, 2009 at 2:05 AM ,
Qaraite Jew said...
To the anonymous:
What exactly didn't I "get", pray tell?
I don't know if this comment will be approved, but I've got a few points to make here.
At the outset, please let me scoff at your patronizing and face saving, "First of all you all need to take a deep breath and count your blessings that there are any of you left at all in this world."
Your rant betrays immaturity and your true colors... far from offering us friendship and demanding "nothing in return", you're actually a racist patronizing arse.
Secondly, we in Israel are not that naive... we know most of you intend to use `Aliyah to Israel as a springboard of sorts to missionize to real Jews. (And let's be clear that some 80% of you Messianics are 100% gentile. That's the plain cold fact.) We know that by and large your intentions aren't really bonafide.
Maybe not you personally, yet most of you (pl.) would start witnessing to us to convert us and try to harrass us in various ways. We know that Messianic Xtianity is a scheme hatched back in the 1960's by some Xtian denominations with the intention of converting Jews to Xtianity and is the most clever and sophisticated attempt at Jewish soul hunting in recorded Xtian history to date. So don't tell me with a straight face even for a split second that you're "asking nothing in return".
We did not reestablish Jewish independence in the Land of Israel just so you (pl.) would be allowed to approach us in our own country trying to "save" us. So ditch all your sweet lies and get real.
At January 20, 2009 at 2:55 AM ,
Qaraite Jew said...
In reply to Sandy:
"Some do not want Jews that believe in Yeshua to be able to make Aliyah. Yet at the same time, they allow Arabs in by the droves, they allow Arabs to retain ownership of the Temple Mound."
I've never heard of any factual veracity for the charge that Israel has let hordes of Arabs into the Land. But the blunder of letting the Muslims retain their control of the TM -- not due to theological considerations or any belief in Muslim claims of ownership of the Mount -- is no justification to allow into the Land of Israel Messianic Xtians. And let there be no mistake that some 80% of you Messianics are not even from acceptable Jewish backgrounds, whether cultural or religious.
Plus, your (pl.) intent is to try to "save" us and we don't look kindly on people who wish to gain a foothold in our land to carry out friendly soul hunting.
"There are other messianics than believers in Yeshua. The Lubavitcher rebbe is believed by many to be moshiach (RABBI MENACHEM M. SCHNEERSON)
Gonna have to deny them aliyah also."
There's a huge difference with the mass foolishness of those Lubavitchers as they at least have no ulterior or overt motives to convert Jews to another religion.
"What about descendants of the jews that believed Shabatai Svi was messiah back in the 1600's... who converted to Islam BTW
A HUGE percentage of jews alive today would fall into that category"
That's an obvious and transparent falsehood. Descendents of Jews who converted to Islam in the 17th century are not considered Jewish by any accepted or bonafide Jewish denomination.
"Bar Kochba who led the revolt of 135AD --- descendants who believe he was moshiach shouldn't be able to make aliyah either, which would be astronomical in percentage if broke down into the jews of today."
LOL... this is vastly more laughable! Since the mid 2nd century there's been not even one Jew who believed Bar Kochba to be the Messiah.
"Lets take every jew that descends from any jew that ever believe in a moshiach and not allow them aliyah, lets even kick them out of eretz Yisrael and give it over to Yishmael now and be done with it huh ?"
No need to go histerical...
"How long, How long will this separation remain? How Long will we remain a stiff necked people, never looking back, neck so stiff, only looking forward to more wealth and gain. No even able to turn and reach a hand out to those behind us falling by the way side.
I have an idea, we do what we can to unify and aliyah "
The separation will remain as long as you (pl.) try to "witness" to us real Jews or cling to a false religion dressed up as Jewish and exalting JC instead of converting to bonafide Judaism.
No sensational displays of attempts at tugging at real Jews' hearts will change that.
"Quit hating your brothers, enough of the arrogance. This disagreement is about the same as the one raging between Orthodox, Reform, Conservative.. ect. ect. Yes, lets keep it up until we have as many denominations as the christians.."
Since when are you Xtians our brethern in faith??
You have skyscraping temerity to turn around and accuse *us* real Jews of hating *you* Xtians while you (pl.) arrogantly scheme behind our backs to convert us to your faith through boundless love instead of the hatred that drove your predecessors.
Do yourselves a favor -- do not make yourselves look even more ridiculous by comparing our rejection of your attempts to be considered a legitimate part of Judaism and the Jewish people with the disputes raging between bonafide Jewish movements.
While you're at it, quit pretending in speech to be Jewish.
To summerize, belief in Yeshua/jesus is NOT a legitimate part of Jewish theology and religious practice. Get over it.
At January 24, 2010 at 4:11 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ez 4 says 390 years Israel (10 tribes-not Jews) is to be exiled. Assyria took Israel in 721bc. 721bc + 390 = 331bc. Israel did not return. This is sin. When Daniel read about the 70 year exile of Judah, he went into a time of prayer and fasting. He was 23 years early. However, Judah did return.
Lev 26 says if you win and will not repent, 7 times more for you. 390 x 7 = 2730 years. 721bc + 2730 = 2010. I am returning to the land of my inheritance, the northern area of Israel, not Judah.
So, let us start a discussion that centers around who has the right to deny who:
Does Judah have the right to deny a true 10 triber (Israel-Northern 10 tribes)from claiming their inheritance of their God-given land?
What if the Judah allows Israel to return to the land and chase the Muslims out? Not sure if we need the help of Judah to do this. As covenant keepers, we do have the promise of 5 chasing 100, and 100 chasing 10,000. Would Judah be
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