Israel: Home of the Hawaiian Shirt?

Below is an actual posting to one of the Israel community lists, of which I am a member:
Shalom List!
My wife had wanted to buy me more wool suits before we left Cleveland, but after to hearing from a few trusted sources we learned that most men don't wear suits.
I suggested Hawaiian Shirts as a more climate appropriate alternative. We heard from two trusted sources - one who mentioned in his blog that he wears shorts and Hawaiian Shirts when he shops on Erev Shabbat, and the other who stated "Well, Hawaiian shirts ... I don't know... Israel is extremely informal, but that just ain't right!"
I would like to get a few more guys to weigh in on this topic. Are Hawaiian Shirts appropriate attire in Israel? If they are what would be the borders of acceptance?
Should I stock up on Hawaiian Shirts or are they available locally? What are the Israeli climate appropriate alternatives to Hawaiian Shirts?
Todah v'Shavua Tov!
In short, you could probably get a way with it Michael. Just stay out of Me'ah Shearim. Personally, I like to wear mine on Purim.
At May 18, 2008 at 3:24 PM ,
Pinchas said...
Someone should show him this:
At May 19, 2008 at 5:26 AM ,
Lainy said...
What about Beged Ivri?
At May 19, 2008 at 12:59 PM ,
Michael Travis said...
We wear T-Shirt Shirts!
At May 20, 2008 at 1:46 PM ,
josh said...
The bottom line, anything goes here. As long as your clothes are clean, not torn, and you do basic grooming on your body, it really does not matter what you wear. Frankly, except for a small amount of fashion conscious people, no one knows what's 'in' anyway. Some people where clothes they brought with them on aliyah twenty years ago.
At May 25, 2008 at 6:14 PM ,
Wave Shoppe said...
While we would like to think everyone owns a Hawaiian shirt, we doubt they wear many Hawaiian shirts in Israel.
At July 13, 2008 at 4:27 PM ,
Egoigwe said...
Ha ha ha! You're being funny right? What to wear while in Israel? You may walk around in your boxer shorts or underwears for all they care! Appropriate dressing in Israel? That term simply does not exist for Israelis, period-they are as perverse as their American cousins. You ought to know that buddy-with a blog like yours!
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