Obama's Speech at AIPAC

I have only heard snipits of Obama's speech at AIPAC. It is hard for me to believe what he said are his true feeling. Yes, his speech sounded very favorable to Israel and the Jews. Simply, Obama was fishing for Jewish votes. For 20 years this man sat in a church listening to Rev. Wright and his very anti-semitic sermons. How could he stay other than under belief of agreement? In the past, I attended a church and became a member of that church because of agreement of that church. Later as I systematically studied the scriptures I found the importance of G-d's land and His people. As the truth of the scriptures was revealed to me the truth of the true anti-Jewish nature of this pastor was also revealed to me. I could not stay with this church and feel comfortable. It took me a matter of weeks to make my decision to leave ---- not 20 years! Remember, Obama's reason for leaving his church (of 20 years) was to take the media heat off of that church not the teachings of Rev. Wright. So I do not believe his speech came from his heart but his drive to become president. Yet so many American Jews continue to support him --- how sad! The one thing we can count on is HaShem is in control........
Good Shabbos, Geri
At June 14, 2008 at 1:39 PM ,
josh said...
Not to intentionally piss people off, but who are these 'American Jews' who 'traditionally vote for Democrats' that I always here about?
At June 22, 2008 at 2:02 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm one of them. Wikipedia provides some good examples of the long history of the Jewish Democratic vote:
"Polls showed that Democrats Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman received over 90% of the Jewish American vote in the elections of 1940, 1944 and 1948[citation needed]. Democrat Adlai Stevenson received 70% of the Jewish American vote during the 1952 and 1956 presidential elections[citation needed]. In the 1960 election, Jewish Americans voted over 80% for Catholic Democrat John F. Kennedy[citation needed]. In 1964, when the Republican candidate was the strongly conservative Barry Goldwater (whose paternal grandparents were Jewish), 90% of the Jewish American vote went to his opponent.[1] Since 1968, Jewish Americans have voted about 70%-80% Democratic, increasing to 87% for Democratic House candidates during the 2006 elections.[2] Currently, of the 13 Jewish Americans in the Senate (out of 100 members),[3] only two (Norm Coleman and Arlen Specter) are Republicans, and of the 30 in the House (out of 435 members),[4] only one (Eric Cantor) is Republican."
At October 10, 2008 at 8:13 AM ,
Dan said...
He's got my vote. I'd rather vote for a man who supports peace than a reckless man who supports the continued killing of civilians of any stripe. Remember, the first commandment is Thou Shalt Not Kill.
-Another Jew for Obama, this on hailing from New Jersey
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