
Dear Yishai,
Okay so its been awhile since I've written to you and you most likely don't even remember me, but figured I should give you an update.
So since I last wrote, I've been corresponding with Rav Lazer Brody, who has helped me to overcome my negativity and discouragement regarding aliyah. He also suggested that I change my name and gave me one that he felt would fit me. So, I am no longer Gavrielah, I am now Tehilla....
My 14 year old daughter is now living in Israel! She'll be there for the next three years for high school and plans to remain there after she graduates, make aliyah, do national service, and start her family.
I am still planning on making aliyah. I will go as soon as possible of course, but definitely within the next two years. I'm now a single parent, so that makes it tougher, I have to pay off quite a bit of debt, but I have no doubt that I will get there. I am also praying for a miracle that will make it possible right away. I am so incomplete here in the U.S., knowing that I am not where Hashem designed me to be, where ALL Jews need to be. But I will get there and in the meantime, I will be doing everything I can here to support Israel, to help and encourage others to make aliyah, to learn Hebrew, to be a Torah-observant Zionist Jew.
Yishai, you and everyone else at INR have played such a huge role in my life, in getting me to this stage. Thank you for your encouragement in the past year on the air and via email. Thank you for everything that you do in service of Hashem. If one day I merit to meet you and Malkah, I will be so thrilled. May Hashem bless you all beyond belief.
Kol tuv,
At September 18, 2008 at 11:18 AM ,
Imma Talia said...
is she interested in meeting my divorced(father of 2)kibutznick cousin? give yishai contact info or myself.i will broker the union..must want to live on kibbutz.dannym
At September 18, 2008 at 8:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
May HaShem inscribe you in the Book of Life for a wonderful sweet year in 5769. B"H.
Never look back, only look ahead.
Perform as many Mitzvahs with Joy and HaShem will bring you "back home - to E"Y".
Gam zu letovah.
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