Do you think I should be allowed to make aliyah?

I am a Jew (I have a Jewish mother) & was raised in a church. I am proud of being a Jew & I believe Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah. Do you think I should be allowed to make aliyah? Do you think I have the right to present my beliefs to Jews living in eretz yisrael & coexist should they choose to differ with me?
Dear Friend,
Israel is a Jewish state and not a Christian one. Your first goal seems to be a missionary one as you want to spread your "Gospel" to Jews in Israel. If that is your goal then maybe Aliyah is not for you. If you want to live as a Christian you can do so in many other countries - ours is not of that faith. We have suffered enough under the Christendom and we did not survive the persecution just to be finally missionized when back in our homeland.
Maybe you are ready and open minded enough to be exposed to traditional Judaism? Maybe you need a good helping of a Jewish Israel more than it needs Christmas? In any case, I wish you luck. May G-d direct you on His proper path.
Labels: Jewish Pride, Letters, Yishai
At October 24, 2009 at 7:51 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I think you're friend asking about Aliyah should try looking at the Old Testament with fresh eyes. Just try to put the New Testament out of his mind. I also think he should listen to Outreach Judaism lectures if he's interested in Aliyah. I'm not jewish but that's my comment. Also he should go to an orthodox synagogue for a few weeks.
Have fun in Texas.
Deborah Blacksher in Tennessee
At October 25, 2009 at 6:57 AM ,
Mr. Justice Jew said...
Christianity is absolutely paganism. It is a grave sin to have any other gods before the creator of the universe. It is also a grave sin to light fires on shabbat. Many of our brethen are sinning. I as a Jew who is trying hard not to sin advises all Jews no matter what shape they are currently in to make a direct bee-line to Eretz Israel. Come as you are. The Jewish destiny is bigger than your silly religion. We'll work it out.
In short, COME NOW!
At October 25, 2009 at 12:18 PM ,
Tehillah said...
I think the Jew who believes in the Xtian messiah should pick up a copy of "A Jew Examines Christianity" by Rachel Zurer
It once caught my eye as I was searching the shelves at Congregation Sherith Israel in Nashville, TN for an interesting read. Since I had Christian friends I borrowed the book and found it to be very interesting and I suspect your inquisitor will find it the same.
At October 25, 2009 at 1:44 PM ,
Nachum said...
That "choose to differ" line is really troubling. It assumes that the default position for a Jew is eager acceptance of whatever the missionary is feeding him or her.
At October 26, 2009 at 1:20 PM ,
Dan - Israeli Uncensored News said...
It is not uncommon to see a Christian who observes more of Torah Judaism than a typical left-wing Jews.
Also, a lot of Christians respect Jewish beliefs and don't proselytize at all.
On other hand, there is a Supreme Court's ruling that a converted Jew is not eligible for aliyah.
At November 22, 2009 at 4:14 PM ,
Shlomo W said...
Rav Kahane was asked this same question by a JFJ woman, perhaps the same woman. He said to her, Israel is for All Jews, Come to Israel on Aliya then we'll help straighten you out.
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