I Love a Parade!
What a parade! The Music! The dancing! The cheering! The flag waving! I'm referring of course to yesterday's Puerto Rican Day Parade. Interesting how the Puerto Rican Day Parade always follows shortly after the Israeli Day Parade. I always get this strange feeling this time of year.

Sort of like Crocodile Dundee's Paul Hogen saying "That's not a parade... THIS is a parade!"

Well help me out here folks. Is it just me, or do they get a lot more excited than we do? And if so, why? And most importantly what can we do about it?
Or perhaps it's just that those of us that would get so excited over Israel are already home?

Sort of like Crocodile Dundee's Paul Hogen saying "That's not a parade... THIS is a parade!"

Well help me out here folks. Is it just me, or do they get a lot more excited than we do? And if so, why? And most importantly what can we do about it?
Or perhaps it's just that those of us that would get so excited over Israel are already home?
At June 7, 2008 at 5:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Because as Jews we are civilized, not like these Savage Animals.
At June 9, 2008 at 7:25 AM ,
Robert Tirado said...
I am a Puerto Rican Jew and Anonymus' comment is horrific & I ask myself how you can alow this idiotic note to be placed here. We are not savages or animals much to his/her dismay.
Robert Tirado
I am NOT a coward
At December 7, 2008 at 10:08 AM ,
Avitov said...
The Savage comments made be the COWARD "Anonymus" is made be a self hateting Jew just to give the Jewish People a very bad name was a Shame !!!!Only a Hitler Will say something so HORRIFIC!!!!!
To the COWARD "Anonymus" Show some Pride "Do The Right Thing"!!!
At February 15, 2009 at 11:36 AM ,
Shira said...
I can`t believe someone would say that about Puertoricans. I`m a Puertorican jew, and I`m definatly not a savage! Different cultures express themselves differently, so what?! Israel is a melting pot of so many different and beautiful cultures. I don`t know how anyone supporting Aliyah can have such a mindset (speaking about "Anonymous")!
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