Our Matriarch Rachel Emeinu's, Yartzeit was today, the 11th of Cheshvan.
So Kumah planned a visit along with Arutz Sheva's Israel National News.
Below are some highlights of what you missed if you weren't with us!

Kumah's Yishai hard at work trying to fit everyone on the bus.
(In the end no one was turned away!)

Our tour guide, Chaim, asks how many people are new olim.
Almost the whole bus raises their hand!
(Yishai snaps a picture.)

Kever Rochel doesn't look like it used to. Security is much tighter.

The "security wall" makes things look like one big maze.

The "great shofar" calls us, her children, "to return to our borders."

Long lines form as so many of her children come.

But Kumah's got it covered.
MK Uri Ariel (National Union)gives us the VIP treatment.
No waiting on long lines for us.

Instead we head straight in.

"No entry allowed!"

Unless of course, you are part of the special Kumah trip.

Chaim brings us into this brand new beautiful Bet Medrish just built
right behind Kever Rochel.

(If you'd like to help support it financially contact Kumah and we will put you in touch with the right people.)

"Mamma Rochel!"

Light a Yartzeit candle.

Kumah's Ezra praying.

Over 20,000 men...

...and women...

visited their mother today!

Afterwards we toasted with wine from the Bet-El winery...

...and enjoyed a delicious lunch in Gilo-
with a STUNNING view of the rest of Jerusalem!

Next time you can come and be there with us too!