
Monday, October 30, 2006

"My Enemies Make Me Wise"

Who is More Passionate About Israel: Jews or Arabs?
From Simon Jacobson

Riddle time. Take this little multiple-choice test (and don't peek at the answer below).

Ok, ready?

Who is the author of the following quote?

"[the Jews are] more afraid to fight for the Promised Land than they are of G-d. For this reason, the Jewish people does not find it hard to break the covenant between G-d and Abraham, which awarded the Land of Israel to the Jewish people for all generations. That is why G-d has despaired of the Jews. After bequeathing them every possible means for securing victory and independence, G-d found His effort had been in vain."

Choose the author.

1) Israel's Labor party.

2) Rabbi Kook.

3) The Satmar Rebbe.

4) The Lubavitcher Rebbe.

5) Gush Emunim.

6) Al Qaeda.

7) The Christian Right.

8) Likud.

9) Woody Allen.

10) Agudah.

11) All the above.

12) None of the above; it's a fabricated quote.

The answer is #6! The quote is from a five-page essay published in Al Qaeda's new print-Internet magazine Zerwat al Sanam (Tip of the Camel's Hump). The article appears under the alias of Abu Zubeida al-Baghdadi and is titled: How Should Islam Relate to the Jews?

Here are excerpts from the article (translated from the Arabic by debka.com):

Al Baghdadi divides Muslim lore on the Jewish people into two stages.

"Stage One: Allah decided to test the Jews when they were still an oppressed people [in Egypt]. He seeks to lead them to the path of faith and victory and therefore urges them to conquer the Land of Israel. But the Jewish people's main weakness emerges at this early stage. Its shoulders are too feeble to carry the heavy burden; the Jews always aspire to victory, but they are not willing to devote the necessary effort, sacrifice or sweat to achieve this end.

"The Jews have learned and must still learn that there is no victory without sacrifice.

To this day, the Jews have not discovered that which heaven imparted to us [the Muslims], that Allah grants victory only to he who dares cross the threshold and face danger alone. But the sons of Israel want G-d to go before them and win their victory for them."

The writer here differentiates between God's authentic representatives and Jews who, he says, make cynical use of the divinity.

"Stage Two: Throughout the generations it transpired that Jews, unlike Muslims, do not fear Allah and are incapable of understanding that the world?s moving force is fear of Allah, not of people. For example, they are even more afraid to fight for the Promised Land than they are of G-d.

"For this reason, the Jewish people does not find it hard to break the covenant between G-d and Abraham, which awarded the Land of Israel to the Jewish people for all generations.

"That is why Allah has despaired of the Jews. After bequeathing them every possible means for securing victory and independence, G-d found his effort had been in vain. Therefore the time has come to get rid of the Jews, because that is Allah's wish," al Baghdadi concludes.

There you have it.

Believe me when I say that I cringed when I read these lines. And I cringed even more when I cited them in this week's article. The last thing I want to do is quote Al Qaeda dogma and its virulent Jew baiting anti-Semitism. And the last thing anyone of us needs are violent killers of the innocent lecturing Jews about breaking G-d's covenant.

But, as the Psalmist says "from my enemies I have become wise" (Psalms 119:98). Sometimes you have to enter the belly of the beast to learn deeper truths about ourselves and our battles.

In this case we enter not the lion's den, but the "tip of the camel's hump." Interesting that a camel's hump is a reference among Islamic militants to the "epitome of belief and virtuous activity." Hump indeed!

I therefore want to make it absolutely clear that I see no virtue or merit in the words of the camel's hump other than another dangerous, ranting call to violence veiled in theological shrouds. Make no mistake: We have witnessed the blood curdling hatred of Islamic radicals in their jihad against the infidels and the hated Jews, and are not deceived by any of its attempted justifications.

Yet, regardless of the terrorist's brutal intentions and their sub-human behavior, we can learn much even from their philosophical masquerade.

An adversary can help us expose our own vulnerabilities and what needs fortifying. Look at the place the opposition attacks, and you learn what you need to protect. Just like pain directs us to a problem (or in a reverse analogy: anti-bodies lead us to identify an infection), enemies, not friends, can often direct us to the root of the predicament.

The first thing we learn is that we are faced with a religious, ideological war. Whether the secular West likes or not, the enemy bluntly sees the conflict between Islam and the West as a religious-territorial battle rather than a moral-social one.

The enemy clearly has strong beliefs. However distorted, we cannot deny their passion and their single-minded focus. Which compels us to ask ourselves: What do we believe in with equal passion? Do we have an ideology, a vision that we can be proud of and feel driven to share with the world?

The second question we must ask is an even harder one to face: Is there any truth to al Baghdadi's argument that the Jews do "not find it hard to break the covenant between G-d and Abraham, which awarded the Land of Israel to the Jewish people for all generations"?!

Is he correct in saying that the Jewish people are "are not willing to devote the necessary effort, sacrifice or sweat to achieve" victory in conquering the Land of Israel, that they are "incapable of understanding that the world's moving force is fear of G-d, not of people," and that "they are even more afraid to fight for the Promised Land than they are of G-d"?!

Remember, regardless of this writer's reprehensible intentions, he brings up a powerful point that we must ask ourselves: Why are Jews living in Israel in the first place? Why should 5 million people insist on creating an oasis amidst 250 million plus Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East?!

I for one absolutely believe that the Jewish people in their heart of hearts know that Israel is the Promised Land and the Holy Land. They know that it is their homeland and are willing to do whatever is necessary to live in the Promised Land. They are ready to fight and do find it hard to break the covenant between G-d and Abraham.

The only reason that it doesn't always appear that way, thus provoking the question, is because of a profound apathy coupled with ignorance that has descended on our generation (and generations past), which is concealing our souls and our innermost beliefs.

Much can be said about the causes and forces that have shaped contemporary assimilation. Finger pointing is not the issue at this point. We are all victims - or survivors - of a deep-rooted erosion of spiritual integrity that has accumulated over the years, and is perhaps the greatest challenge of our times.

Mind you this is not a phenomenon exclusive to Israel, but a global one. We live in a materialistic universe, a prosperous and technological world, with the freedom to do as we wish, which tends to cause complacency to spiritual values, and blunts our ethereal sensitivity to our deepest beliefs. Most people living in a free society today cannot answer the question: What are you passionately ready to fight for?

As deep as the problem is around the world, in Israel the spiritual dissonance is amplified. In the center of the universe - where battles have been raging from the beginning of time - one can simply not afford to be complacent. Apathy in this region is tantamount to death.

It should therefore come as no surprise that Jews in Israel (and world over) struggle with their spiritual identity and their relationship with their land.

Hence, the challenge posed by the enemy, whether the Jewish people are ready to fight for "the covenant between G-d and Abraham, which awarded the Land of Israel to the Jewish people for all generations"?

Let us not be naive and believe that if the Muslim radicals suddenly saw all Jews as devout and G-d fearing they would drop their arms and embrace the Jewish right to the Promised Land.

But it sure makes you think about what we should be focusing on in these trying times.

Sometimes even a camel's hump can teach us a thing or two.


Sunday, October 29, 2006


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

No Water in the Synagogue

by Shmuel Sackett from Jewish Israel

Thought that it's a problem getting a bottle of water onto a plane in JFK? Try getting one past the security guard at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue as you are walking in to attend Shabbat services! This guy is tough! If you think I'm exaggerating... read on.

Recently, my wife and I spent Shabbat in Manhattan. Bright and early Shabbat morning we arose and walked to the Fifth Avenue Synagogue. Standing at the door to greet us was a plainclothes security guard plus four -- that's right, FOUR -- NYPD officers in full uniform. Two cop cars were positioned outside with lights blaring. We felt like we were at a crime scene. "What's in that bag?" asked the security guard. "A bottle of water and our hotel room key," said my wife. "The key you can keep but you cannot enter the premises with that water. You will have to discard it in the trash bin outside the building." He wasn't kidding.

Later that same day, we decided to join the afternoon Mincha services at the Park East Synagogue. This time, there were no NYPD officers but there was a security guard sitting just inside the main door. When we entered, he immediately arose and told me to spread my arms and legs. He frisked me from my shoulders all the way down to my shoes. "You're clean, you can enter." Imagine that... a full body search just to go to Synagogue. As I walked in I noticed that this security guard was watching 8 different monitors that showed him live video footage of every angle of the Synagogue. I don't think Fort Knox is watched this closely!

Many people may just shake their head in disbelief after experiencing such an ordeal. Others may simply say that it goes with the times. I drew a completely different conclusion; one that most people reading this won't like: Jews in America, get out while you still can. Your days are numbered. Your beautiful Synagogues and Yeshivot will end up as museums... or worse. Take recent events as G-d telling you to go home and leave while you still can. The "writing on the wall" is there for all to see. Don't say you weren't warned and that G-d, in His infinite kindness, didn't communicate a clear message to you. Sell your homes and businesses, pack your suitcases and head home to the one and only land that truly belongs to you and your children.

You might say that similar problems exist in Israel. You can't sit in a coffee shop, enter a mall or even see a movie without passing a security guard. Soldiers are every where, policemen are on high alert and every empty box is a "suspicious object". If that's true -- and unfortunately it is -- what's the difference between the Fifth Avenue Synagogue in Manhattan and the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem???

There are actually two differences: The first is that in Israel, we know exactly who the enemy is. The second, is that if we want to (and I pray for that day to come soon) we can easily defeat that enemy. Allow me to explain.

One does not need to be a member of the Israeli spy network to know who hates us in Israel. We know who the suicide bombers are, where they come from and what schools taught them their hatred. We know their leaders, the organizations they belong to and even where they live! The only thing that's lacking is the Jewish values that will give us the guts to deal with these beasts. Knowing what to do is one thing... believing that G-d will stand by us when we actually do it is something else.

This is why terror in Israel doesn't scare me. I know that very soon, new leadership will arise in Israel that will deal with these terrorists quickly and effectively. A problem of 60 years will be erased in a few days when the Arabs see leaders who are versed in the Torah and deeply connected to its teachings.

Things in the USA aren't that simple. The enemy is an unknown. Anti-semites masquerade as good friends and elected officials are more worried about their image and "political correctness" than dealing with reality. Racial profiling is a no-no and nobody seems to care about the growing -- and very hostile -- Muslim population.

As the war in Iraq enters yet another stage, as the nuclear problems heat up in Iran and North Korea and as terror attacks grow in intensity and ingenuity the "Israeli" factor will become center stage. American citizens will feel that supporting Israel means nothing but trouble and Jews will pay for it. High gas prices will not be good for the Jews and neither will a weak stock market. The pressure will mount from all sides and become unbearable in a very short amount of time.

I say these things not to scare anybody but because I truly believe them. I see a very bad future for Jews in America and feel the obligation to publicize it. The "water bottle" incident experienced by my wife and me was the final straw. It convinced me that what is happening to Jews in France -- and many other cities in Europe -- will happen here as well.

My dear brothers and sisters; take my words seriously and start the process to leave this country and come home. Think about your children and your future. Think about the words "Next Year in Jerusalem" and make them become a reality. And most of all... think about your King who wants you to come to His cherished land. Look around and see the messages He is sending. These messages are not "spam" and should not be "deleted". Listen to them, understand them and act on them.

Monday, October 23, 2006

"Three Months Later, And We're Still Smiling"

From AISH by Riva Pomerantz

It's been nearly three months since we first landed on Israeli soil with our three children and ten suitcases. Three months of joyous discovery, rich experiences, and endless wonder. From all the doubts, pain, and confusion of the pre-aliyah process has emerged an exuberant feeling of coming home.

It wasn't easy to leave Cleveland. What would life in Israel be like? we wondered. How would our children adjust? Would the cultural differences be too much to bear? Questions like these reverberated in our minds even as we sold our possessions, said tearful good-byes to friends and family, and packed up our shipping container.

We hoped that our aliyah (ascending to Israel) would be a conduit to our family's spiritual growth, and from the looks of things, God is on our side. From the very moment we came, we have experienced outright miracles and abundant blessing. Our fears have been lifted, replaced with gratitude that we were given the courage to make the move despite our hesitations.


I worried about getting our lift, especially after friends had warned us that clearing our shipment meant anything from relatively minor hassles to major nightmares. Instead, we received our lift just three days after we arrived, without any difficulties whatsoever. Any doubts that Israeli service is not on par with American service were quickly laid to rest -- with one exception: the Jewish worker who had left the Port of Haifa at 5:00 am to bring our shipment apologetically explained that he hadn't had time to pray; he asked to borrow my husband's tefillin before he began unloading. Only in Israel, of course, and just one of hundreds of anecdotes that our family has noted thus far.

I was worried about the house we rented without ever having seen it. Instead, our house is beautiful. Leaving a four-story house in Cleveland, we were apprehensive about down-sizing -- now the worry has been replaced with genuine surprise that we ever opted to live on four floors, when two is so much easier.

I worried about the dire warnings regarding the meager job market. No problem -- God sent me a dream job, one that opens up new horizons for me and that is conveniently located right near my home.

I worried about the change from American products to Israeli ones. No problem -- my children now devour Osem ketchup with abandon.

I worried about lice. We've been through it twice and I'm happy to report that we are just fine.

I worried about medical care. Instead, we found caring doctors and a state-of-the-art healthcare system which takes a personal interest in new immigrants.

I worried about making new friends. Not a problem -- we didn't spend a single Shabbat meal at home for two months straight! My kids found playmates the very day we arrived.

I worried about security. Instead, my children delight in their freedom to play outside on our quiet cul-de-sac, while I am busy in the house, and I never think twice. A far cry from my anxiety about the kids playing alone outside back in Cleveland.

We have been accepted with open arms into a culture that is often very foreign to us.

I worried about the so-called black-and-white delineation of society here. Happily, we have seen nothing of the sort. We have been accepted with open arms into a culture that is often very foreign to us. Our children are being nearly smothered with signature Israeli warmth and love, and they're eating it up! They're already speaking Israeli-accented Hebrew among themselves, delighting in the discovery of a new language. My heart soars when I watch them play with their friends. There is such simplicity and innocence amongst these children. They are open and sincere; the girls hold hands and hug each other -- even at the ages of eight and nine. They take infinite pleasure in riding their bikes for hours on end, or playing with "sophisticated" toys like discarded tires and fallen palm fronds. They need no XBoxes or Disney movies to keep them happy.

I worried about the academic standards; now I find my worries not only unfounded, but laughable. My children are literally being stuffed with knowledge and creativity that is simply unsurpassed. My husband and I marvel at the strong education orientation that permeates Israeli society. After-school activities abound in all areas -- dance, gymnastics, music, and swimming to name just a few. Despite the fact that the school day is significantly shorter -- the kids begin at 8:15 and end at 1:15 -- there is an intense amount of learning that takes place.

I worried about living here without a car. Now I appreciate the fact that when you take taxis, flat tires and leaky gas lines are their problem (In Cleveland, the mechanic had been our best friend!).


There is no doubt that life in Israel is tinged with the dark clouds of strife. The Haifa train station my husband traveled through in order to release our shipment was destroyed by Hezbollah rockets just three days after he was there. Two weeks into our aliyah, my children were already playing "security guard" -- asking to check my backpack as I entered their "store."

When war broke out in Lebanon, we talked to the kids about it. No sense in trying to hide it when their friends were all discussing it with the sage wisdom of seven-year-olds going on 50. We prayed, we sent food to the displaced families from the North, and we went about our lives as best as we could. It's a different dimension of existence, but we are all in this together, and that's no small comfort.

There is no joy like the utter joy of living in Israel, where the streets reverberate with tangible spirituality and genuine Jewish experience.

We have found that living in Israel has brought a beautiful sense of bonding and serenity to our family in general. Both my husband and I have found ourselves spending significantly more time bonding with our kids than we ever were able to in America. We feel connected and united in the big move we made, and the new life we've built, and none of us has any regrets. Our children have become so relaxed and independent. Whether it's walking home from school together, or taking ambling walks through the streets, our kids really feel the beauty of living here. They have integrated seamlessly into Israeli life -- beyond our wildest dreams -- and we chalk it up to just one aspect of the Divine kindness which has guided us in this venture from the very start.

There is no joy like the utter joy of living in Israel, where the streets reverberate with tangible spirituality and genuine Jewish experience. Jewish life is satisfyingly real here.

The heavy emphasis on spiritual growth here is impacting our lives in tangible ways. My husband is able to devote his entire mornings to Torah study -- an opportunity he never dreamed of in America, where his job consumed his every free moment.

On one of the intermediate days of Sukkot, our family took a spontaneous hike in the mountains surrounding our neighborhood. There we found ancient mikvas, ritual baths, hewn out of stone and the crumbled remnants of cities where our ancestors once lived. This is our back yard! I am still awestruck at the fact that we can simply hop on a bus and visit the Western Wall -- the holiest place on earth. In Israel, I am home.

It's been three months, and I'm still euphoric. I love the people, the weather and the breathtaking views. Even the produce tastes sweeter. We feel overwhelmingly privileged to have been given the strength and courage to grab the opportunity that is available to all Jews today. In fact, I get goose bumps just thinking that last year on Passover we sang "Next year in Jerusalem."

And just look at us -- here we are. What are you waiting for?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

From Haaretz By Daphna Berman

The number of young, unmarried North American Jews immigrating to Israel has increased dramatically in the past few years, with a leap of 40 percent projected for 2006 as compared to last year's figures.

In 2004, some 350 North American singles immigrated here (out of a total 2,600 olim from the U.S. and Canada). The number of single North Americans rose to 450 last year (out of a total of 3,000 olim), and for 2006, the forecast is 625 singles by year's end (with a total of 3,000-plus expected).

"In the past, people felt the need to be married and settled before they make aliyah, but now there's a sense that people can also find their significant other here," says Nechama Weiser, associate director of pre-aliyah and liaison for student affairs at Nefesh B'Nefesh, which provided the figures.

According to experts, as well as the immigrants themselves, a number of key factors have led to the substantial increase. Meeting a Jewish partner abroad has become increasingly difficult, some say, whereas Israel offers a plethora of young and datable potential mates. Others insist that the free university education provided to young immigrants as part of their absorption basket has successfully drawn arrivals who are keen to avoid steep tuition costs and the student debts they would have incurred back in the U.S.

Others involved in aliyah point to the increasing popularity of programs like Taglit-birthright, which bring young Jews to Israel and effectively strengthen their connection to the Jewish state.

"If you're looking for a Jewish partner, living here is definitely more viable," said Shara Grifenhagen, who immigrated from North Carolina last year. "Before making aliyah, I worked in Jewish communal service and you had to make more of an effort to live a Jewish life, find a Jewish partner and have Jewish babies.

"Here, you don't need to worry about that. I don't need to go to Jewish singles parties or an event organized by my temple. I just go out and everyone is Jewish. Even in New York, Jews still need to find each other, but here, chances are the person you will meet is Jewish."

Grifenhagen, a birthright alumnus, lived in Ra'anana when she first immigrated, which as a single, she said, "was very difficult socially and emotionally."

"But in Tel Aviv, it's a different story. I don't have time to do all of the things I'd want to do socially," the 29-year-old said.

According to Prof. Bernard Lazerwitz, a retired sociologist at Bar-Ilan University who studies American Jewry, this newest phenomenon is hardly surprising.

"These are people who are not married, are looking for a bit of adventure, and they are at a stage when they are making important life decisions," he said. "They're free to try out new options and they figure that if it doesn't work out, they can always go back. Singles are more flexible."

The majority of the North American singles are in their 20s, according to Nefesh B'Nefesh's Weiser; thus, "they don't have so many strings attached. There's not an issue of aging parents or having to find schools for your kids."

Mark Fischman, a 31-year old software engineer who immigrated here three years ago from Dallas, says that living in Israel has become more economically viable for him and the other well-educated single immigrants in his social network. "There's more of a sense that you can live in Israel and have a great life here. There are a lot of job opportunities for Americans that may not have existed in the past," he said.

"If you're looking for someone Jewish, Texas is hardly the place," he added. "A lot of my friends didn't come to find a partner and then leave. They want to find a partner here, but they also want to stay."

Aliyah officials also say that the popularity of programs that bring young Diaspora Jews to Israel has contributed significantly to the trend among young Jewish singles. Aliyah is not a stated goal of birthright Israel, but 6,000 of its alumni have immigrated here since the program's inception.

The largest number of immigrants comes from the former Soviet Union, but an estimated 1,000 North American participants have since moved here as well, says Gidi Mark, birthright's international marketing director. "We believe that for the less affiliated or religious within the 18-to-26 age bracket, we are the leading organization in terms of new immigrant numbers," he said.

"More young people are coming for a few months, and they meet Israelis and become connected here," said Yair Redl, director of the Jewish Agency's aliyah division.

He attributes the rise in numbers to the Agency's recent focus on long-term programs for young adults, such as Masa.

Still, the numbers from other English-speaking countries hardly mirror the increase of those coming from North America.

According to statistics provided by the Jewish Agency, 126 singles immigrated here from the U.K. last year and 140 are expected to come by the end of 2006. But the number of single olim from other countries appears to be decreasing slightly. Thirty-seven Jewish singles immigrated from Australia this year, compared to 41 the year before. Similarly, 36 Jewish singles immigrated from South Africa, compared to 48 the year before.

Still, the influx of young Americans has expanded the Anglo singles scene in both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, its two major bases. "I do get the feeling that the singles scene is getting bigger," London-born Nadia Levene, who organized a Jerusalem singles party over Simhat Torah that attracted over 400 people.

Levene is one of the founders of "shmingles," a group, she says, "for singles to meet and shmooze" that sponsors events throughout the year. "I have single friends all over the world and it really is difficult to find Jewish people. People come here to meet a Jewish partner, but economically, things are also better, so people are readier to make aliyah."

Others like Avi Bercovich, who was born and raised in Amsterdam, said that after spending time in the Jewish singles scene in New York and London, Jerusalem was the next stop.

But he says that finding a wife was not the driving force behind his decision to immigrate here. "I came to be closer to my family," the 35-year-old graphic designer said. Still, he admits, the presence here of many single females his age is, in fact, a "big plus."

Thursday, October 19, 2006


(Pictures for this post are all by Joshua Fleisher)

Shalom! We are proud to present another issue of Kummunique - full of love
of Israel and Aliyah inspiration!

In this issue you will find:

1. "Vive Israel" by Larry Derfner
2. "Journeys With My Car" by Beth Shapiro
3. "Move To Another Land, Keep A Job" by AP staff

From Rabbi Stewart Weiss:
From the OU

It would seem that the two most important events in history for the Jewish people are the Creation and the Exodus. The Torah begins, of course, at the beginning, with the story of Creation. This is certainly fitting. After all, God is the universal God, and for a great portion of history, there were no "Jews" or "Israelis" or "Hebrews." There were just people, the kind who populated the planet from its inception. To mark this auspicious event, we observe Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur at Bereisheit-time, as a vivid reminder that by doing teshuva, we can "re-create" ourselves and begin anew.

Alongside Creation, there is the Exodus from Egypt. While individuals date their origins to Creation, we as a people mark Pesach and the Exodus as our "national birthday," re-ordering our calendar as such, and linking our national character to the advent of spring. God's active intervention in history conveys to humanity the all-important message that not only is He in eternal control of the fate of the universe, but Jewish destiny can and will defy the laws of nature and be ever resurgent. In a real sense, the Exodus "trumps" Creation, and so we are commanded to remember the Exodus every day and every night, something not required regarding Creation.

There is, however, a third moment in history that is even greater than these two! "Behold, days are coming, says God, when people will no longer take an oath by 'the God who liberated Israel from Egypt,' but rather by 'the God who gathered the dispersed of Israel from the lands..... where they were scattered." (Yirmiyahu 23:7-8). The Gemara (Berakhot 12) explains: "When Israel is free from the domination of foreign powers, even the Exodus will pale in comparison."

Yes, there is indeed a "Road Map" for the Jewish people. It starts at Creation and winds through the Exodus. WHEN it will come to its conclusion may still be uncertain; but WHERE it will end is crystal-clear: nowhere else but in Eretz Israel.


1. "Vive Israel" by Larry Derfner
From Jerusalem Post

When prime minister Ariel Sharon, reacting to anti-Semitic attacks in France, said in summer 2004 that French aliya is "a must and they have to move immediately," the French Jewish establishment, led by CRIF, was embarrassed.

French officials were scandalized; President Jacques Chirac even suggested that Sharon wasn't welcome in France, a spat that ended after Sharon lauded the French government for its vigilance against anti-Semitism.

But to Orthodox, generally rightward-leaning French Jews, who make up 30% of the community, and who fill most of the pool of potential immigrants to Israel, Sharon's call "was aimed at the right place at the right time," said Avi Zana, director in Israel of the French aliya organization AMI.

Since the intifada broke out six years ago, the number of French Jews making aliya to Israel has tripled - from about 1,000 a year before the violence began to 3,000 a year now, the highest figure since the Six Day War. Another 20,000 or so French Jews have made the final decision to immigrate to Israel, and are expected to arrive here in the coming years, said Zana, citing polls conducted for the organization three years ago. France is home to 600,000 Jews, by far Europe's largest Jewish community.

"You can assume that more people are making the decision [to immigrate to Israel] as time goes on," Zana added.

They've made their presence felt in Ashdod's City and Yud Bet neighborhoods, in Jerusalem's Har Homa neighborhood, in Netanya and Ramat Beit Shemesh. Most are families headed by young professionals and businesspeople, while the older, richer French immigrants buy in Jerusalem's German Colony, Herzliya Pituah and Caesarea, and often divide their time between Israel and France. Some 80% of them are religiously observant, and at least that high a percentage are of North African background.

They are heartfelt Zionists, and typically thought of moving to Israel since their youth. But it was the growth of the Muslim population in France, combined with the rise of Islamic fanaticism among that country's Muslims and the anti-Semitism that intensified with the intifada, that changed aliya from being a radical proposal among French Jews to being a legitimate, even logical one.

Yosef Ben-Zion, 60, who left the largely-Muslim Parisian suburb of Noisy de Sec two years ago and who now lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh with his wife and two children, said, "I started to feel that there was a real problem about 10 years ago. I started hearing the Muslim youth say 'sale Juif' as I was on my way to the synagogue. They used to throw rocks over the wall into the synagogue garden, and the police did nothing about it."

The problems in Noisy de Sec didn't begin a year ago with the riots and car-torchings that engulfed the country; Ben-Zion's wife, Simcha, 50, recalls that in the years before they left the suburb, Muslim firebrands "would start preaching in the street - 'Beware of the modern ways, beware of the influence of the Jews.'"

Yosef, who left Tunisia for France with his family around 1960, as North Africa was emerging from French colonial rule, says the Jews used to get along with the Arabs back in Tunisia, and also after they found themselves living next to each other as immigrants in France.

Said Zana: "The younger Muslims who don't have a history of living with Jews are the problem, their parents got along well with Jews. It's unusual - the first generation of Muslim immigrants to France was integrated better than their children."

IN THE commercial circle surrounding the big fountain in Ashdod's City neighborhood, vet- eran immigrant Sabrina Levy, who opened Elle et Lui Cosmetique with her husband Benny some months ago, says relations between Muslims and Jews have changed completely in the Parisian suburb of Orly where she grew up.

"My closest friend, Farida, was a Muslim, we lived in the same building, we went with boys together, we did everything together," recalls Levy, 46, who came to Israel nine years ago. "Now when I go back to visit my family in Orly, I see her covered up from head to toe in a black chador with only her eyes showing. I tried to talk to her but she wouldn't. When we pass and I say hello, she says hello back but she turns her eyes away."

On a bench in front of the beauty parlor, a reunion of the Attal family - Sabrina Levy's maiden name - is taking place. Her two older sisters in Ashdod - Ninette, who has lived in Israel since childhood, and Aimee, who moved here six months ago - have come to see their cousin, Aviva Sicsic, 59, whom they haven't seen in 30 years. Sicsic arrived that same morning from Marseilles to move into her apartment in the City neighborhood. "Here's the key!" she as much as sang, holding it up triumphantly.

Sabrina worries about her sister living in Orly and wishes she and her family would come to Israel. "She tells me her children don't go around with a kippa anymore, that they come home from school at four in the afternoon and don't go out again. She says the Muslims working in the supermarket speak to each other in Arabic and ignore her because she's Jewish. How do they know we're Jewish? I don't know, but they do.

"I know Jews in France who've taken in their mezuzot and nailed them up on the inside. One time all the windows of my family's cars were broken - just my family's. I grew up with Arabs, but now they're taking our place. If Sarkozy doesn't win," Levy said, referring to hard-line Interior Minister Nikolas Sarkozy, the favorite in next April's presidential election, "the Jews have no hope!"

IN HIS Jerusalem office, Zana explains that because of such communal memories as the Dreyfus Affair and the Vichy government of World War II - in which some 80,000 French Jews, or one-third of the community, were killed - the self-identifying Jews of France feel somewhat insecure, and traditionally have been reluctant to express opinions that might cast doubt on their national loyalty - such as the desire to immigrate to Israel.

"France is not like America," he noted. "To love Israel is okay, but to leave France for Israel is politically incorrect."

But between the rise in the Muslim population - now six million out of 60 million French citizens - the outbreak of Muslim animosity against Jews during the intifada, and the increasing religiosity and "communitarism and ghettoization," as Zana put it, of French Jews of North African background, aliya is no longer a taboo subject. "A growing number of people don't want to take a chance on what France is going to be like in another 20 years," he said.

Still, AMI is not warning of "catastrophe" to France's Jewish community, he stresses. "Muslims do not present an existential threat to French Jews," says Zana, predicting that there will always be a substantial Jewish community in the country.

And the French government is doing "everything it can to ensure the security of the Jewish community, and they've done a lot," he adds. Given the memories of Vichy, the French government does not want to appear as being soft on anti-Semitism, especially the violent variety. Furthermore, the fear of Muslims is widespread in France, so measures against Muslim militancy go down well with the population at large. "This puts pressure on the Arabs. They know that if they act up, they will get their comeuppance from the French," said Zana.

However, with hundreds of violent anti-Semitic incidents a year, and Muslims becoming such a large demographic and therefore political force, there is a "new reality" for France's Jews, he says. The young, rowdy Muslims in the suburbs of Paris and other cities torched some 15,000 cars in the riots of a year ago. Even among liberal French Jews, says Zana, the notion of aliya as a solution to anti-Semitism is no longer derided as paranoiac.

Yet there are no calls being made for mass aliya, for the evacuation of the French Jewish community, as Sharon urged. AMI's slogan, he notes, is, "Aliya: An individual decision, a collective responsibility." In all, the immigrants say they are happy to be away from the threat of anti-Semitism, and that they love Israel - but that they don't mesh so well with Israelis or the Israeli way of life.

"When I used to come here on vacation, I would hear people screaming in the street, and I would wonder: 'Where am I?' Now I just let it slide off my back," said Hanna Levy in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Her husband, Zvi, a chiropodist, complains about the Israeli health care bureaucracy.

"Israel is calm, we're not afraid here. But the Israeli head is like this," says Eliezer Cohen, an electrician and ulpan student in Ashdod's City neighborhood, tapping a stone wall. "You arrange for a workman to come to your apartment at a certain hour, and you pay him half the amount, and he doesn't show up."

"My son was in a public school, but there was fighting and noise, and no respect for the teacher, and my children are not like that. My son loves Torah, so now he is in a haredi school," said Yosef Ben-Zion in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

IN ALBERT IMMOBILIERE (Real Estate Agency) in Ashdod's City neighborhood, owned by new French immigrant Albert Sicsic (no relation to Aviva), Jennifer Ben-David, 24, who came to Israel from Paris at age 12, says, "It's better to live here than in France, but it's easier to make money there. When Jews compete against Jews, it doesn't work."

She credits her IDF service for her acculturation. "Serving in the army is what makes you a real Israeli. If you try to act like a Frenchman in the army, being polite, sitting down for coffee, they'll eat you alive."

Sicsic, who lived in the St. Tropez area where, he says, there is little anti-Semitism, says he came here early last year strictly "because of [Zionist] ideology. Now I have less ideology. But everything in Israel is good. You have problems with Israelis at first, but then you get used to them."

In her office at the ulpan, Zehava Segal, who has been running adult education in Ashdod for the last 28 years, and thus has a basis on which to compare the French immigrants to those from other countries, describes the French as being relatively "spoiled."

"They are immigrants by choice, they had a good life back in France, and they come from a democratic country, so they have high demands," Segal says. "With the Russians you said, 'Go there,' and they went and said, 'Thank you,' but not the French.

"They say, 'How can you send me to an ulpan all the way over there, I want to study near where I live. The bus fare is expensive. We want to start at nine in the morning, not eight. This is not what they told us in France.' Finally you have to tell them that either they study where they're told or they don't study at all," she continued.

At the Home City real estate agency, Ya'acov, an agent, says that compared to other clients, the French who come looking for apartments "want to see a lot of apartments before they decide. They are very demanding." When asked, though, how they are when it's time to negotiate price, Ya'acov replied, "A lot easier than Israelis."

The immigrants' biggest problem is learning Hebrew, which is especially hard in Ashdod because so many of the city's residents are of North African background and thus speak French, so the immigrants can function well here in their mother tongue.

"Ashdod was always known as Little Paris," Segal notes. "When I wanted to learn Hebrew, people would tell me, 'What do you need to study Hebrew for, everybody in town speaks French.'"

Given the generally high standard of living they enjoyed in France, many of the immigrants become disappointed at the job opportunities for them here, says Segal. Many also are put off by the religious polarization in Israel. The immigrants tend overwhelmingly to be "traditionally" religious, and they went to Orthodox Jewish day schools in France. Often they enroll their children in haredi schools in Israel, thinking they will be like the schools they know back home, and are unpleasantly surprised. "They're not happy with the haredi schools or the secular schools," says Segal.

"I'm not haredi, I'm not secular, I'm a Jew" - this is a phrase one hears often from the French immigrants. In Ramat Beit Shemesh, Hanna Levy notes that her children go to Beit Ya'acov haredi schools. "They came home and told me that a secular Jew is a goy, and I said, 'What are you talking about?'"

SINCE AMI got up and going early last year, the organization has helped about 30% of the immigrant families with money (an average of $5,000 per family during the first year in Israel, with lesser amounts going to families who still need assistance after the initial year). Of the several hundred families AMI keeps tabs on, Zana says the organization knows of only three who have gone back to France.

Segal, however, says that among the hundreds of French students at the Ashdod ulpanim, "not a few of them have gone back." And Sabrina Levy, whose clientele at the beauty parlor is about 70% French, is especially well-situated to learn what immigrants, or at least those who sit in her chairs, really think about the new life they've started.

"When they're in my shop they talk about the problems of aliya, how it's hard to find work, how Israelis don't know how to speak politely, they're too temperamental, they're angry all the time," said Levy. "A lot of them have gone back, and a lot are thinking about going back - because they can't find work, or the children here are too wild, or because the teenage boys don't want to do three years in the army." In France there is no military conscription.

Her husband, Benny, adds that many teenage French immigrants have such difficulties with Hebrew, and with adjusting to the relatively anarchic Israeli classroom, that "a lot of them drop out of school at 15 or 16. They get into fights with groups of Israeli boys on the beachfront. It's happened a lot."

Hundreds of immigrants with businesses they cannot run by computer and telephone fly back to France on Sunday or Monday, work during the week, then fly back to Israel on Thursday for the weekend. "Often they'll alternate - one week in France, then one week in Israel," says Zana, noting that this is referred to as "Boeing aliya."

"I know an anaesthesiologist who takes the four-hour flight to Paris, gets off the plane and goes to the hospital, works a double shift and sleeps at the hospital - he doesn't even have a home there," says Zana, explaining that with all the frequent flyer credit these Boeing olim build up, it pays for them to keep their jobs in France rather than start over in Israel - especially when French wages are much higher than the Israeli standard, and more especially when the commuter gets paid in Euros.

Another way French immigrants overcome the language barrier to employment is by taking jobs at French-language call centers and providing services to French customers. These call centers are typically owned by veteran French immigrants who moved their business to Israel, where they can pay lower wages than they did in France.

The number of French haredim moving to Israel has gone down, Zana notes, due to the sharp decreases in welfare, especially child allowances, that have gone into effect here in recent years.

"The French welfare state is very generous, so the men who spend their days in kollel [married men's yeshiva] can get by better there than they can here," he explained.

French immigrants have a reputation for being anti-Arab, especially considering the circumstances in which they came here. Zana says the immigrants are actually less rightwing than those who came in previous decades. "You used to find a lot of French immigrants living in Kiryat Arba, for instance, but now you won't find any Kahanists among them. About the only immigrants who move to the settlements are the haredim, who go to places like Modi'in Elite and Betar Elite," he says.

Yet Hanna Levy says the immigrants' reputation is earned. "Yes, the majority of them hate Arabs, but this is partly a 'davkaresponse' to all the anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian information being spread by the French media," she said. Levy's brother was killed in an Arab terror attack in Antwerp in 1980, she says, but while she hated Arabs afterward, her attitudes have softened with time. "Just like there are good Israelis and bad Israelis, there are good Arabs and bad Arabs."

If not for the increase in France's Muslim population and the spread of Islamic anti-Semitism in that country, there wouldn't have been such a wave of French aliya. And for all their practical difficulties, they say they are most happy to be living in the Jewish state.

Living in the large French immigrant community makes them feel doubly at home. "There are Arabs here too, but this is our country," says Veronique Cohen at the ulpan in Ashdod. Remembering the catcalls of "sale Juif," and her fear of letting her children leave the house, she mused, "A France without Muslims - that would be a dream."


2. "Journeys With My Car" by Beth Shapiro
From House of Joy

Once upon a time, I wanted to write a book called "Everything I know about life, I learned from my car." Sounds silly, I know, but as a single woman involved is some rocky relationships, my car offered me great comfort. For many years it was the most dependable thing in my life. After all, we never disagreed, it always took me where I wanted to go and whenever I moved from place to place, it adjusted easily. I once told a Rabbi, with the vehement seriousness of youth, that I could never make Aliyah because I couldn't leave my car.

Over the years, I have had several cars. I began with a hand me down Toyota from my parents which popped its oil cap and burnt out the engine, but my first "real" car was my 1989 light blue Mazda 626. During my junior year of college, I used all of that Bat Mitzvah money that had been sitting in the bank to buy the car for $6, 666.67. I'll never forget the cost because it was the single largest purchase I had ever made in my life and my brother, who was visiting me at the time joked that I had sold my soul to the devil (666) to buy the car. Perhaps the most astonishing thing about the car was that it had a manual transmission (stick shift) something that neither I nor anyone in my family knew how to drive. I bought the car because I had once been at a party where I could have been the designated driver except for the fact that I didn't know how to drive a stick shift car. After that, I figured I had better learn but I knew that I would never do it unless I was forced. I wanted to grow but didn't have the discipline.

The dealer gave me one lesson on the car and I sputtered home, stalling at every traffic light. After three days, I was cursing my decision, certain that I would never be able to master driving the car, but by the end of the week I was getting from here to there with almost no trouble. For many years, whenever I was asked what I was proud of in my life, the first thing I would think of was "teaching myself how to drive a manual transmission car."

The Mazda stayed with me for many years. It lasted through college, through graduate school in Boston, through my years in New York and made it all the way to Ohio. At the end of my first year in Ohio, I decided that I needed to go to Israel to learn some Torah. In order to make this happen, I committed to selling the car. It was a tough decision, because as I said, the car was my most significant relationship, but I was willing to make the sacrifice on my road to spiritual fulfillment. Not two days after I decided to sell the car, I was driving to get a container of milk and pulled into the local convenience store. I heard a noise and the car died. The front axle of the car had simply cracked in half ? a crack which at sixty miles an hour on the highway probably would have resulted in death but at one mile an hour in a convenience store parking lot was a mere inconvenience. I felt as thought the car understood that I didn't want to part with it but our relationship had come to an end and so it quietly died leaving me free of having to watch it spend its life with someone else.

When I came back from that year in Israel, I was married to Simcha and pregnant with Neshama. We went out and bought a new shiny red Mazda 626 prepared to settle into our comfortable life in the US. Less than two years later, when we went to make Aliyah we tried and tried to sell the car. It was a great car. Low mileage, super condition. It had depreciated a lot so it was a great deal. But we couldn't sell it. It wasn't normal. At least once a day, someone would come up to me and say, "I keep thinking about your car. It is a great deal and I need a new car. I really should buy it." And then they would proceed to tell me why they wouldn't buy it. They didn't want a stick, they didn't like red, they suddenly wanted to use the money to take a vacation to Australia, they had had a dream that driving a Mazda was not good for their spiritual wellbeing. The excuses were weird and it became clear to me that not selling the Mazda was my spiritual tikkun for telling my teacher "I couldn't make Aliyah because I couldn't leave my car." When Simcha and I sat and talked about this and decided that our commitment to Aliyah was strong and we would be willing to leave the car and make Aliyah without selling it, the next day someone phoned us and said, "I heard that you are selling a car, I'd like to buy it." Just like that. We were leaving Ohio on a Thursday, Wednesday night we turned over the keys.

So why am I rehashing all of my old car memories today? Well, we are once again going through car changes. When we came on Aliyah we bought this cute little 2004 Toyota Yaris Verso. Coming from a family of Toyota owners, buying a Toyota was a little bit like coming home. Appropriate for an Aliyah car. And our Yaris has been a great car. It is small and peppy, gets great gas mileage and is fun to drive. But, it only seats five and we are Baruch Hashem now a family of six. So after a lot of careful consideration, we decided that the Toyota had to go and we sold it last week to a nice lady in Jerusalem where I think it will have a good home and be well taken care of. I'll miss my Yaris, it was our Aliyah car and I got to know what it was like to really live in this country driving it around. We put 60,000 km on this car driving around Eretz Yisrael ? North to South and East to West. I took Neshama to school for the first time in this car, brought Sophie home from the hospital in it and drove back from signing on the purchase of our home in it.

And now, we are entering a new phase of our life. The age of the Jumpy. Our new car, a 2001 Citroen Jumpy is a big people mover car. It seats nine, it is not luxurious and it has a diesel engine. In Israel there are two types of people who drive Jumpy's. Those who have businesses and need it to schlep around all sorts of equipment and those who have big families and need it to schlep around all sorts of people. It is designed to be durable not comfortable. In my mind the age of the Jumpy is a new milestone for me. We are not cute and peppy anymore. We are now a sort o big family with a lot of different needs that need to be balanced. We are not luxurious, but when we work together as a team, we can get the job done. We are in the functional years and we are learning to be Israeli. I see the new wave of immigrants arriving and purchasing their Honda Streams, their Kia Carnivals and their Mitsubishi Grandis'. The luxury seven seater minivans of Israel. Big clunky people movers, yes, but with comfort and style. They are the Aliyah cars new immigrant families with big dreams of recreating their American lives in Israel. And I realized that we have passed these days. Simcha and I sat down and said, "Hey you know what? We really live here and if we are going to make it work, we've got to make sure that we live within our means." And having lived in Israel for three years, we are beginning to figure out what those means are. We know what we earn, we know the price of gas and we know the price of car insurance.

When we got to Israel, one of the first things I noticed was that everyone looks a little bit dusty. After three years, I look a little bit dusty too. The stars are gone, the honeymoon is ending and I am left with the knowledge that living in Israel is tough but it is so much more fulfilling than anything that I ever had before. Welcome to the age of the Jumpy ? function not comfort ? gets me where I need to go. Comfort - I guess I need to get from spiritual growth, relationship with G-d, and knowledge that I am on the path that is right for myself and my family dust and all.


3. "Move To Another Land, Keep A Job" by AP staff
From TaiPei Times

The modern era allows certain classes of professional the option of holding on to a job via the Internet, and Israel is one place leading the way

Dr Orit Wimpfheimer rolls out of bed in her home in Israel each morning, walks downstairs and reports to her job -- on the East Coast of the US.

Wimpfheimer, an Ivy League-trained radiologist, analyzes test results from US hospitals over the Internet. She is among a growing number of American Jews who immigrated to Israel because they were able to earn a US paycheck and enjoy a lifestyle few Israelis ever see -- thanks to e-mail, Internet and video-conferencing.

"You get to move to the country of your choice. You get to do what you did before in the comfort of a home office," said Wimpfheimer, who lives in the Jerusalem suburb of Beit Shemesh.

Lack of high-paying jobs has been a major obstacle for potential immigrants to Israel from the US and other wealthy countries. Unemployment in Israel hovers around 9 percent, and Israeli professionals typically earn a fraction of what their counterparts make stateside.

A few thousand Americans immigrate to Israel each year, a tiny percentage of the more than 5 million Jews in the US. But the number has grown in recent years, in part because people can bring well-paying jobs with them, said Daniella Slasky, director of employment at Nefesh B'Nefesh, a nonprofit agency that helps North American Jews move to Israel.

"I wouldn't say this is the reason for increased aliya," said Slasky, using the Hebrew word for Jewish immigration to Israel. "I think this is a tool that helps people move to Israel. It is much easier to make aliya, coming here and knowing you have a job. Also, having the American salary while living here is very significant."

She estimated that 20 percent to 30 percent of the breadwinners among the new arrivals from North America maintain jobs overseas. When Nefesh B'Nefesh began work four years ago, the number was negligible, she said.

Among those keeping US jobs are medical professionals, accountants, lawyers, graphic designers and computer programmers. All do most of their work in Israel, though some periodically commute to offices overseas.


When Adam Lubov, a database administrator, decided to immigrate in late 2004, the medical software firm where he worked in Savannah, Georgia, asked him to remain on board. Since he already did most of his work from home, the transition was easy.

When Adam Lubov, a database administrator, decided to immigrate in late 2004, the medical software firm where he worked in Savannah, Georgia, asked him to remain on board. Since he already did most of his work from home, the transition was easy.

"I thought this was great. I can continue in my job, then look for something else," he said.

After he saw what he would earn in the local market, however, he decided to stay on.

"Seeing the pay difference, I can't do it," said Lubov, 28, who lives outside Tel Aviv.

Joel Pomerantz, a psychologist at an alternative school for at-risk children in Cleveland, supervises a team of five people from his home in Beit Shemesh. He checks into work about 3pm and works through midnight -- corresponding with the business day in Ohio.

Using the Internet, he can review results of tests administered by colleagues, prepare reports or enter information into a database. He meets regularly with parents and students via video-conference.

Pomerantz said the setup has been a natural fit for his school, called the Virtual Schoolhouse, which uses Internet learning to augment classroom activities. He said his tech-savvy boss suggested the arrangement, and he spent several months preparing before moving with his wife and three children in July.

While the distance has created some obstacles, Pomerantz, 31, said it has also yielded some benefits. Many parents are enthralled with the technology, and he has become more efficient because there are fewer distractions here.

"So far so good. I foresee this going really well," he said.


Some of the arrangements require creativity and sacrifice. Shye Wortman, an internist who moved to Beit Shemesh last year, still flies to New York every two weeks to treat patients.

Some of the arrangements require creativity and sacrifice. Shye Wortman, an internist who moved to Beit Shemesh last year, still flies to New York every two weeks to treat patients.

When in Israel, he reviews charts and test results and speaks to patients by phone. Using Internet phone service, he even maintains a New York phone number.

"Some patients don't know I'm in Israel," he said.

Despite the travel, he says he now has more time with his family than he had in the US.

In other cases, the seven-hour time difference with the eastern US can be an asset.

Wimpfheimer, the radiologist, works from 6am to 3pm, teaming with two partners to cover the overnight shift at 18 hospitals in the northeastern US.

She reviews CT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds and exchanges information instantaneously over secure Internet connections.

The arrangement benefits the hospitals, which don't need to hire an overnight crew or force doctors to be on call during the bleary-eyed graveyard shift.

"It works much better," said John Breckenridge, chairman of the radiology department at Abington Memorial Hospital in Abington, Pennsylvania. "They're awake and alert."

And thanks to real-time technology, the distance isn't an issue.

"She could be in the next room. It really doesn't matter," he said.

Wimpfheimer, 36, a mother of six, can spend the afternoons with her children. With her US salary, she can live comfortably in a three-level suburban house with a swimming pool.

"The business is growing. We're having fun doing it," said Wimpfheimer, who immigrated from New York four years ago. "I wouldn't even consider moving back."

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Shalom! We are proud to present another issue of Kummunique - full of love
of Israel and Aliyah inspiration!

In this issue you will find:

1. "Netanyahu: No Future For Diaspora Jewry" by Gil Hoffman
2. "Frustrated Immigrant: Stop Aliyah. Period" by Ashley Rindsberg
3. "Coming Home" by Iris Maimon-Toledano
4. "I'm Finally Home" by Iris Maimon-Toledano

Check it all out at THE KUMMUNIQUE HOME

The Lulav Shake

Thursday, October 5, 2006


Kummunique - Kumah's Shabbat and Holiday Bulletin
Issue 43 "SUKKOT" 5766

Shalom! We are proud to present another issue of Kummunique - full of love
of Israel and Aliyah inspiration!

In this issue you will find:

1. "The spiritual significance of Sukkot" by Yishai Fleisher
2. "Right On: A Miracle Of Biblical Proportions" by Michael Freund
3. "The Aliyah Connection" by Cindy Sher
4. "Sixty Years After War, First Rabbis Ordained In Germany"

Check it all out at THE KUMMUNIQUE HOME