Smokers Beware: Torah Still In Effect On Purim (Graphic Photos)
That was "A's" first cigarette but not nearly his last. He started smoking regularly and then even became a heavy chain smoker. Later he developed severe respiratory problems. Last August my friend "A" passed away at the ripe old age of 27.
Smoking Kills. The Torah demands one to "heed to yourself and guard your life strongly" (Devarim 4:9). Remember all Torah laws, both positive and negative, remain in effect for both Purim and Shushan Purim. You don't have to break Torah laws to celebrate on Purim!
Have fun! Be jolly! Stay safe!
Now for the graphic photos if you smokers are not convinced. (Warning: if you get queasy easily don't continue viewing the rest of this post...)
This is what a healthy lung looks like:

And this is what smoking does to it:

Let's review. Healthy:

And the smoker's:

Still not convinced:

Here's more:

Think about it!

Chag Samayach!

Labels: Jewish Holidays, Pinchas, Purim, Rants