Being a Jew, and choosing System Restore

So I was suppose to go to the Manhighut Yehudit annual dinner in NY Last weekend. I was all dressed up, and prepared to go and be part of one of the most amazing groups around today. I even brought a little note pad in my little purse, to take notes, so I could write a really cool post about how Moshe Feiglin and Manhighut Yehudit is the best hope Israel politics have today.
However, Life happens...
While driving on the belt parkway toward the dinner, running a bit late, but still on time according to Jewish clocks. I got a call from my friend. She was hit by a car, and Thank G-d she was fine, but the Hatzolah guys wanted her to go to the emergency room just in case. Even though she was fine, its quite traumatic to get hit, and have to go to an emergency room by yourself. So although I was all ready to be inspired and have a blast at the conference, I did some illegal u turns, and went zooming to the hospital.
Now, although I was unable to make the conference, I realized, that by turning around, I was walking in the Manhigut Yehudit leadership footsteps; being a good Jew, and doing what is right. The right thing was to turn around and be there for my friend, and not to go to a conference that I have been looking forward to for a month, because, this is being a Jew. Taking a step forward, and doing not necessarily want we want, but what is right and what we know we should in our gut.
Every Jew, somewhere inside, maybe way deep down, but somewhere in there, we all know that the Land of Israel is ours. We come from generations of believers. We have a spark, that when ignited, can defy reality and overcome any odds that exist in this worlds reality. We are the chosen people, and we are meant to be a light onto the nations. Its part of our internal hardrive. Many of us override it with ideas that the UN and EU make the rules, and we are obligated to follow them, and not ourselves. But like any computer, when too much has been overridden, it crashes, and needs a system restore (like what happened to my dell). Which means, we go back to the manufactures default programs.
By default, we can overcome anything this world throws at us.
By default, we have the courage to conquer any fears we have.
By defalt we have the G-d that created this world on our side.
By default, the land of Israel belongs to US and if we back proper leaders, that have faith in the Torah and G-d, by default Israel will be secure, will prosper, and will be a real light onto the nations, and become our everlasting home.
By default, this will happen, eventually, but its our choice when. The leadership of Manhigut Yehudit, I feel is our system restore button, and I encourage everyone to come and press it.
( As a side note: I am not really into politics. I don't follow the lasts scams, and newest elections. But I am sure some people have issues with Moshe Feiglin's views. To this I will give a very simple answer, "please remember, that he is not perfect. He does not have all the right answers. He is human, just like you and me. But know, that he is the best out there right now. He may make mistakes with some of his views, but that makes him human. If he did everything the way everyone liked, we should all get scared, because being perfect is not a human trait. Working on yourself, through trial and error, is. Give someone room to be human. Accept the things you don't agree with, as part of his human trait. And really notice all the things he is so on track with, that he is causing quite a stir in the lefties groups.
So please, don't expect a leader to be perfect, and do everything YOU feel he should, just expect him to be honest, follow Torah values, and have the desire to turn the state of Jews, into the JEWISH STATE!!!")
Labels: Activism, Good News, Leadership, Shulamit
At March 12, 2007 at 5:07 AM ,
Anonymous said...
You wrote from your heart and the heart doesn't lie. very nice
At March 12, 2007 at 6:48 AM ,
Shulamit said...
Thanks Anonymous :-) I hope I continue and it gets contagious!!!
At March 13, 2007 at 9:48 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Very very nice! you are getting better at this all the time, just try and don't become perfect - it will scare us :)
from the big Bro
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