Shin is for Shushan

I was spotted and snapshotted by Mobius of Jewschool whilst on the prowl for the mother of all Shushan Purim photo essays (to be posted on A7 tomorrow, hopefully). A prize for whoever can explain exactly what my costume is.
Good Purim everybody. I don't remember saying havdala, do you? OK then. Still Purim, since there is a safek - at least until seder night.
In that spirit, check out my story on the Old Winemaker. He is the real deal.
In other news, little kids everywhere, as well is bigger kids who like candy, have begun pesach cleaning - by that I mean they have been eating copious amounts of leavened junk food they received in mishloach manot from their friends and neighbors.
I leave you with my top ten items received in mishloach manot and invite readers to post their own lists in the comments section:
10: Mekupelet (who knew chocolate became so good when you ran it through a pasta machine)
9: A giant tub of assorted Marzipan bakery stuff (with the rugs on the bottom)
8: Pancakes al haboker
7: Pumpkin Pie Hamentashen (oznei Haman, for those of you with contempt for any remnant of yiddish)
6: Pickled veggies
5: Reese's PB cups
4: Homemade apple butter
3: Smirnoff Apple something-or-other Vodka in a super cool bottle
2: Homemade granola (actually given to someone else who then left it at our place)
1: Dudaim (Mandrakes)
Labels: Ezra, Jewish Holidays, Photos, Purim
At March 7, 2007 at 12:26 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Uh, all I got what cheap chocolate and candy! I need better friends.
At March 9, 2007 at 12:22 AM ,
Harry said...
You are quite obviously a member of he ISM.
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