
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Reasons Why Not to Make Aliyah

The French have their reasons for not making Aliyah, this guy has his own reasons, and who can forget this classic...

What are yours?

Hat Tip: Cosmic X and Sweet Rose

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  • At March 13, 2007 at 8:08 AM , Anonymous Critically Observant Jew said...

    Mine are:

    the wife (with whom we agreed to make aliyah in 5 years), her parents (who she misses, even though they're only 300 miles away), my parents (to lesser extent).

    As to your article - the beyondbt article you quotes is most likely correct. That is, if you're chareidi, then it's Galut either way, and there's no value of living in EY until Galut ends. Plus, the Chareidi society in Israel doesn't make it easier either.


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