
Thursday, March 15, 2007


Ok, so I still have to pack for my flight that is in an hour, but when I read this, I just had to share, sorry I can't comment too much on it, but after you read it... DO SOMTHING...

To contact the UJA Federation of New York: contact@ujafedny.org

the Long Island office: ujali@ujafedny.org

the Westchester office: ujawestchester@ujafedny.org

Have a good ShAbbaT all :-)

~ Shulamit ( dftss, ttfn)

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  • At March 15, 2007 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Pinchas said...

    The Jewish agency is dying. Bielski knows it too. They know they are no good at helping the Jewish people anymore. Therefore as the Jewish people slowly figure this out the Sochnut will need to find new clients and when you take G-d out of the picture, then there can't be a G-d's chosen people. So Arab? Jew? What's the diff?

  • At March 18, 2007 at 2:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I love this blog! You're absolutely fearless. While the rest of the world creates euphemisms and tries to come up with pc reasons for doing very non-pc-motivated things YOU are not afraid to stand up and say "look at me- I'm a bigot." Kol hakavod for keeping it real.


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