Exile Sweet Exile

Dear Yishai,
The answer is simple ==> JEWS DON'T CARE!!
This is my reaction to your article "A State Of Exile" on YNET
There are more religious Jews in Brooklyn than anywhere in the world (per square inch).
And they are betting their eye teeth on their future IN BROOKLYN not ISRAEL.
Maybe if you folks (at A7) would come here and take a look at the BILLIONS being invested in homes, businesses and community institutions ... MAYBE you would learn something.
The ONLY thing that will get these folks to leave is a DISASTER ... simply because YOU FOLKS DON'T WANT TO UPSET THE APPLECART !!! Which is the same reason that the religious community in Israel REFUSES to oppose the government. And you folks REFUSE to oppose the religious community.
It's exasperating to watch ... I like to call it SERIAL SELF-DELUSION ... Deal with it or live with the ugly consequences.
May I suggest again a political party aimed at these recalcitrant Jews.
Read This:
Emigration from Israel exceeds immigration, report 04/20/2007
Tel Aviv (dpa) - In Israel, the number of emigrants exceeded the number of immigrants for the first time in 20 years, the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot reported Friday.
Many emigrants were recent arrivals who wanted to leave Israel again, the report said. In 2007, 14,400 immigrants are expected in Israel while 20,000 people are expected to leave the country, according to the report based on figures for the first months of 2007.
The last time emigration exceeded immigration was in the aftermath of the 1973 Yom Kippur War and in 1983 and 1984 when inflation was high.
Meanwhile the Maariv newspaper reported that approximately a quarter of the Israeli population was considering emigration.
Almost half of the country's young people were thinking of leaving the country, the report said. Their reasons included dissatisfaction with the government, the education system, a lack of confidence in the political ruling class and concern over the security situation.
Dear Frank,
1. Frank, baby, listen to me! There has always been Yerida, but it has always been dwarfed by Aliyah because there were many Olim coming in from Russia, Africa, Europe etc. Today the last great bastion of potential Aliyah is America, and they are behind the Golden Curtain and it's very hard to break. Immigration has slowed and that is why emigration seems to be beating out immigration.
2. We have a friend who was the 3 millionth Jewish citizen in Israel in the early 70's. Today there are almost 6 million. Does that seem like a retrograde motion to you?
3. "Leave the country" - a very small percentage of that is real Yerida - MOST go out for a few months to a few years and return. In fact there is a rise in Israelis returning as many of them find Judaism in America. Also, many Yordim are actually goyyim who don't like it much in Israel and go back their goyyish lands to eat goyyish food. We like to say "shalom" to them when they leave.
Don't fall for the hype Frank - Israel's Jewish population is growing.... and we haven't even talked about the high birthrate here.
"Meanwhile the Maariv newspaper reported that approximately a quarter of the Israeli population was considering emigration." - Also I have a bridge to sell you, in Minneapolis.
All the best,
Hello Yishai ...
My point is about American Olim ... most leaving Israel come to the U.S. ... and most coming to Israel are not from the U.S. ... making the U.S. a net drain population-wise) on Israel. All of the Israelis that are now my neighbors are observant Jews.
I see billions of Jewish and Israeli dollars being invested in Brooklyn NOT Israel. Recently a Jewish (former Israeli) truck driver that delivers weekly to a restaurant (owned by former Israeli Jews) asked my opinion about a piece of real estate. I told him that buying any U.S. real estate was foolish, and that he should buy in Israel. By the way, that Israeli restaurant has expanded 3 time since opening less than 2 years ago. (And the barbers that cut my hair are also Former Israeli Jews.)
The trends are obvious ... few American Jews prefer to live in Israel ... many Israeli Jews prefer to live in the U.S. ... and I haven't even mentioned the number of former Israelis living in Boca Raton, Florida, where there is a huge colony. In 1979 when my parents moved to Boca Raton former Israeli's were invisible ... today you can't miss them.
While you folks do a great PR job (which by the way barely reaches beyond the Arutz Sheva audience) most American Jews have never heard of you. They appear to be insulated by the small religious communities in which they are organized.
It looks like a losing battle to me ... at least by the numbers. Life is just too good here, however short-lived that may prove to be.
Take Care,
Labels: Exile, Neo-Zionism, Yishai
At August 13, 2007 at 3:56 AM ,
Pinchas said...
When can we greet you in the airport, Frank?
At August 13, 2007 at 9:31 AM ,
Bill said...
Also, many Yordim are actually goyyim who don't like it much in Israel and go back their goyyish lands to eat goyyish food......
typical ethnocentrism. The 99.6% of humanity is simply described as goyish...
You know dude, I think it;s cool that you love your Grandfather...
But it sucks that your love of your own genes makes you hate 99% of your family.....
At August 13, 2007 at 12:35 PM ,
Yishai said...
Dear Bill,
1. Goyyim means nations and it neither connotes, nor did I mean anything offensive. It was a purely factual statement. Certainly, no "hate" was implied - I wonder how you read that into my words?
2. Israel is special, the Jewish people are special, and even our foods our special. Non-Jews who catch a ride on our small country's wealth at the cost of its identity are not welcome. True G-d lovers are always welcome, either as Ger Toshav, resident alien, or as visitors on Sukkot.
3. To love others you must love yourself. The Jewish people do not love their true self as of yet. This is what we're educating. However, if you would know me, or what I write and say, you would know how much respect I have for Goyyim - no wonder I have such a regular discourse with them. Don't be so quick to call another person a bigot.
At August 15, 2007 at 4:00 AM ,
Yishai said...
The only answer for Frank is that no Israeli comes to the US for the spirituality that is available here. They come for two reasons: economics and disgust with the politics. Americans that go up to Israel do so in spite of the economics and the politics. They go because of the holiness of Eretz Yisrael. The go because they want their children to grow up in their own land. America is like a luxury hotel; it's plush and comfortable. But even if you are in the best 5 star hotel, eventually you get homesick. The Israeli that comes to America is just visiting. He comes to make money. He makes sure to live where there are other Israelis; they don't try to become part of the melting pot. They get together and talk Israeli politics like they're in a café on Ben Yehuda.
Frank can be comforted to know that this is a temporary issue. As soon as Israel get it's act together these recent immigrants to the US will be on the next plane back to Israel.
Unfortunately, I think that Frank has a stronger point when he speaks of American Jews. Although NBN does incredible work, 12,000 out of 5 million is a drop in the bucket. The good news is that these 12000 represent the very best that the US has to offer. They have a purity of spirit and purpose that should inspire us and shame us. They leave all the gashmius behind for the ruchnias of the holy land.
The rest of American Jewry will have to wait. Unfortunately, I predict that American Jewry has about 1 generation left. As the leftist, Jew hating college students of today become the rulers of tomorrow things will change drastically in the US.
I pray that Moshiach comes before this happens (or will that be part of the messianic process?).
Ben Tzion
Monsey, Galut
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