JPost: Now Those Nutcase Righties Will Attack!

Here’s the spin the self-hating, murder-loving, religious-hating, Arab-loving, G-d-hating, grossly irresponsible – and frankly downright dangerous - extreme left wing media. Oh, they also happen to be exceptionally clueless. That or they just are malicious liars but I’m trying to be optimistic.
Take Amir Mizroch, news editor for the Jerusalem Post. He still just doesn’t get it!
Let me sum up his article entitled: Attack will be seen in Messianic terms
In a nutshell Mizroch claims that those “Nutcase Religious Zionists” are going to be so “seething with anger” that they are going to run into the streets shooting wildly blowing up anything that moves!
Moron! (I’m not name calling – it’s a scientific term.)
(Parenthetically, more evidence of his sheer stupidity is demonstrated in this flatly false assertion: “Very few people outside the religious Zionist population have even heard of Mercaz Harav, let alone know somebody who studies there.”)
Mizroch continues, “There may even be some on the fringes of the settlement movement who will want to take the law into their own hands and carry out a revenge attack, maybe even against targets in East Jerusalem, where it looks like the killer came from.”
Let me give you a clue Mr. Mizroch. Have you ever looked inside the Torah? Do you even know what a Torah is? Or should we say “Very few people outside the religious Zionist population have even heard of a Torah, let alone looked inside one?”
Sir, since we know very few people outside the religious Zionist population even own a Bible I’ll just have to fill you in here.
The angel of G-d said to her, “You are pregnant, and will give birth to a son. You must name him Ishmael, for G-d has heard your prayer. He will be a wild-ass of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him.” (Genesis 16:11 – 12)
Wild-ass men shoot rockets at innocent civilians. Wild-ass men blow up public buses in the middle of cities. Wild-ass men brutally murder defenseless teenage Yeshiva students in cold blood. Wild-ass men fire their weapons into the air at funerals demanding revenge and then hand candy out to their children when it transpires.
The Jews - even those “right-wing nut-job Jews” are not wild-ass men. (Wise-guy leftists are itching to yell out “Baruch Goldstein” – very good. The fact that you remember his name proves how unique he is. Now can you name even one Arab terrorist that blew himself up on a bus? What’s that? No? Why not? Oh, I see. There are just too many?)
The way Mizroch writes you would think that at the funerals on Friday all the Jews were firing their weapons into the air. Guess what? They didn’t. Jews aren’t the wild-ass men. So stop your shameful, hateful, attacks – incitement even - that claim that the Jews are something they are not!
Amir Mizroch – Wow, what a dork! (Now I’m name calling!)
At March 8, 2008 at 10:55 PM ,
Anonymous said...
that they are going to run into the streets shooting wildly blowing up anything that moves!
I disagree, I think at this juncture if we were to take such vigilante actions, it wouldn't be a sign that we are wild-ass men. Rather, it would be a sign that a sick, weak, take it up the wild-ass people finally had enough of waiting for an incapable government to dish out justice. And I could give a damn what the left would think about it too. They are the ones who wildly took bulldozers to homes of peaceful civilians in Gush Katif (using Sharon as their lap dog). What do I care how they will view vigilante actions? They will be lucky if the vigilante actions doesn't come to their doorsteps because they are the ones causing the whole conflict by belittling and thereby exacerbating a religious conflict with their nihilistic passions.
That I don't take a gun down to East Jerusalem and shoot at least 8 Arabs dead is due to my lack of courage not due to my lack of moral justifications.
Samuel A 30:13: ...and there they were, scattered all over the ground, eating and drinking and making merry because of all the vast spoil they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from the land of Judah. David attacked them from before dawn until the evening of the next day; none of them escaped, except four hundred young men who mounted camels and got away.
note: David at this time was not an established King. Rather he must have been regarded by many as a "right-wing nut-job Jew".
At March 19, 2008 at 12:41 AM ,
Anonymous said...
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