Weapons of Mass Production

Today's New York Times features an article entitled, "Cameras Emerge as a Tool in a Conflict Over Land". A more apt headline might have been, "Cameras Emerge as a Weapon in Conflict Over Land".
The story focuses on an initiative undertaken by B'Tselem, a controversial Israeli human rights organization, providing Arabs living throughout Judea and Samaria with video cameras enabling them to document violent attacks against them.
The article then shares with us the immediate success of the initiative:
Are there no other people in all of Israel who know how to say "leave" in Hebrew, aside from the Jews of Hebron?
Is it not possible that those against the presence of Jews throughout Judea and Samaria, whether out of political or ideological motivations, could have simply put on masks and carried out the actions described in the article, knowing full well that their actions were being filmed and would be broadcast around the world, further demonizing those referred to as "settlers"?
In the end, we are left with an article presuming guilt on members of the Jewish community of Hebron, with little actual evidence to back it up, aside from the fact that the masked men spoke Hebrew, and the incident took place with a "settlement" in the background.
At this point, it hardly matters whether the masked men were "settlers" or not, because the guilty verdict has already been handed down by an international media willingly allowing itself to be used as a weapon of mass production against the Jewish State, in order to drive the Jewish people from their Homeland.
The story focuses on an initiative undertaken by B'Tselem, a controversial Israeli human rights organization, providing Arabs living throughout Judea and Samaria with video cameras enabling them to document violent attacks against them.
The article then shares with us the immediate success of the initiative:
Muna Nawajaa, one of the two wives of a Palestinian shepherd from Khirbet Susiya, used a handheld video camera to film what appeared to be masked Jewish settlers viciously beating members of her family with clubs — images that have since been broadcast by news networks all over the world.Alongside this quote is the picture featured above, with the caption:
Mrs. Nawajaa, 24, said it was the first scene she had filmed.
A still image from the video that Muna Nawajaa recorded of the attack. The men at the right appear to be Jewish settlers.Similar language is found throughout the article.
Sitting on the floor of a tent in the family’s encampment in mid-June, Imran Nawajaa, 33, a nephew of Khalil Nawajaa, recalled the morning of the attack. He said he was out tending a flock with his young sons when two masked settlers rode up on a tractor and ordered him, in Hebrew, to leave.And again,
The camera captured four lean men, their heads swathed in colorful cloth, striding toward the farmers, clubs in hand. In the background are the whitewashed, red-roofed houses of the settlement.Now, what is it about the masked men in the picture above that makes them appear to be "settlers"?
Are there no other people in all of Israel who know how to say "leave" in Hebrew, aside from the Jews of Hebron?
Is it not possible that those against the presence of Jews throughout Judea and Samaria, whether out of political or ideological motivations, could have simply put on masks and carried out the actions described in the article, knowing full well that their actions were being filmed and would be broadcast around the world, further demonizing those referred to as "settlers"?
“The only weapon we have is the media,” said Khalil Nawajaa...And it is a role that the media seemingly embraces, as can be seen from the fact that Isabel Kershner, who wrote the article for the New York Times, doesn't include any response from the Jewish community of Hebron regarding the incident in question.
In the end, we are left with an article presuming guilt on members of the Jewish community of Hebron, with little actual evidence to back it up, aside from the fact that the masked men spoke Hebrew, and the incident took place with a "settlement" in the background.
At this point, it hardly matters whether the masked men were "settlers" or not, because the guilty verdict has already been handed down by an international media willingly allowing itself to be used as a weapon of mass production against the Jewish State, in order to drive the Jewish people from their Homeland.
Labels: Arabs, Ben-Zion, Media, Propaganda
At June 24, 2008 at 10:52 PM ,
Udiyah said...
I admit when I saw this video I was aghast. I wrote my friends in Susya --- with just one question: Really???
I thought to myself as I tried to sleep: Jews all over the world could suffer for this. The world wants to believe this is typical behavior for Jews -- "settlers" in particular.
Then a little voice in my head asked me: how do you know they are Jews? Palestinians are not averse to beating their owm people to make a point. I may be naive and maybe I am because I think to myself: what Torah Jew would take a stick to an elderly woman for no reason - there's got to be a reason because my mind will not let me believe a young man brought up on Torah behaves like this ....
At June 26, 2008 at 3:44 AM ,
yaakov said...
"appear to be settlers"
motek, this is probably based on the fact that they had rather lily-white torsos... i'm not saying that palestinians are the "blackest" of folks but i think the excuse that "the palestinians did it" is pretty lame this time. these little shits are not necessarily representative of all "settlers" however as zionists we have to take responsibility when our crazies do things like this which soil our name. i'm a proud zionist and i say that it's not healthy to pretend like this thing goes on and do something about it. that seems like an arab/islamic nationalist strategy and it's quite obvious how successful that has been!
At June 26, 2008 at 7:41 AM ,
Ben-Zion said...
I also don't think it was Arabs who did it. And it may have been "settlers" - however, there are plenty of Ashkeazim in Israel, or even foreigners, who would like nothing more than to see the Jews of Hebron tossed - and if they have to drss up to defame them to help get the ball rolling - why not?
See Avishai Raviv.
At June 28, 2008 at 1:50 PM ,
Ojalanpoika said...
Jeru-salaam, -shalom & -salem,
Could you kindly comment, whether my details are correct in a dissident essay concerning the recent scaling up of production in the Israeli high Tech companies in:
http://www.helsinki.fi/~pjojala/Expelled-Jews-statistics.htm ?
E.g. "...It is United States that profits from Israel, rather than the opposite. Israel got some 120 million € in 2007, but open brain drain is its prerequisite. Astonishing number of 25% of the Israeli researchers have moved to the United States - and this figure does not yet include the people with double citizenship. The next largest drain of researchers are 12.2% from Canada, 4.3% from Netherlands, and 4.2% from Italy.
The population of Arabs under the Israeli government increased ten-fold in only 57 years. Palestinian life expectancy increased from 48 to 72 years in 1967-95. The death rate decreased by over 2/3 in 1970-90 and the Israeli medical campaigns decreased the child death rate from a level of 60 per 1000 in 1968 to 15 per 1000 in 2000 at the Westbank. (An analogous figure was 64 in Iraq, 40 in Egypt, 23 in Jordan, and 22 in Syria in 2000). During 1967-88 the amount of comprehensive schoold and second level polytechnic institutes for the Arabs was increased by 35%. During 1970-86 the proportion of Palestinian women at the West Bank and Gaza not having gone to school decreased from 67 % to 32 %. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in West Bank and Gaza increased in 1968-1991 from 165 US dollars to 1715 dollars (compare with 1630$ in Turkey, 1440$ in Tunis, 1050$ in Jordan, 800$ in Syria, 600$ in Egypt. and 400$ in Yemen).
Before the Second Intifada, there were nearly 200 Israeli companies listed in the Nasdaq, at the Intifada the count dropped to 70. (The number is still greater than from all the European countries combined). It is said that the dollars are green since the Americans pull them down from the tree raw and fresh. The start-ups are imported straight from the garage, and scaling up of production in the "conflict hotspot" has been considered impossible. But the new Millennium has brought a change in tide despite the Gaza rocket attacks... Do not attack Iran..."
Recovering from hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of the brain,
Pauli Ojala, evolutionary critic
Biochemist, drop-out (MSci-Master of Sciing)
Helsinki, Finland
At June 28, 2008 at 6:27 PM ,
Hemaworstje said...
what is this a jewish propaganda board, get real get realistic.
i am no plo lover i am european but we re sick and tired of a shitty country with what 6 million ihabitants whinin about your "suffering" like they have the size of the ussr or china.
step back in line please , we have other countries to worry about.
if you dont like yr neighbour mooove.
Utah has plenty enough room
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