Obama - the Jewish and Kikish Views

Melanie Phillips brings a Jewish angle on Obama:
Barack Obama appears to sit on a nexus between Marxist revolutionary activists, unrepentant former terrorists, Black Power racists, Chicago mobsters – oh, and a Saudi who is trying to buy up America. If you were to turn up at US immigration control with a background of such associates, it’s a fair bet they wouldn’t let you off the air-bridge. Yet this man may well become President of the US!
This guy brings the Kikish angle:
I offered my young American friend an election scenario, in which the Jews overwhelmingly vote for McCain, and Obama is defeated by losing both Florida and New York. “It’s simple,” he said, “Many will blame this catastrophe on the Jews. Why? Because the Jews were the single most powerful voice against Obama.” “That is untrue,” I told him, “This is pure anti-Semitism.” “True,” said the bright young man, “but if they repeat it enough it will become the truth.” I believe that if Obama loses the election it will be because America is not ready to put its destiny in the hands of an inexperienced young man, whose challenge against the establishment frightened more potential voters than attracted them. I do not believe for a second that Jews in America will have any direct hand in his downfall. There is no Jewish conspiracy, no invisible hand pulling invisible strings, and no organized ethnic support against his candidacy. However, I do believe that the election of the next president might be a negative turning point for Jews in America.
At October 8, 2008 at 11:44 AM ,
Melvin said...
It's interesting that Obama's link to a Saudi is making the headlines on this site, while the current President and VP are both oil men with very close Saudi friends and associates. They are so close with the Saudis, they used to call the Saudi Ambassador Bandar Bush. But why bother looking at substance, when you can be a panicky diaspora Jew and play into the hands of the radical Christian racists who run the Republican party...
And repeating that lie that Obama is a radical Muslim won't change the fact that he is actually a moderate Christian, as opposed to Sarah Palin, who probably believes that Jews have horns and eat babies for Pesach.
At October 9, 2008 at 11:58 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Three stages to the acceptance of truth.
First, it is ignored.
Second, it is attacked
Third, it is accepted.
I can't believe the best argument you have is to talk about Bush and Christians. Lame.
What happens to America effects the whole world, genius.
At October 14, 2008 at 3:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm disgusted, Neo-Con Jews like you and Joe Liberman make the Liberal/Progressive rest of us look bad. Has Obama ever said anything anti-Israel? No. The Christians use us and our connection with Israel as what they view as a free ticket to Heaven when the mesheach comes. It makes my skin crawl to think of Condi, a representative of one of the most hated American regimes, over there "helping to negotiate" and furthering the World's distaste for both the US and the land of milk and honey by way of the incestuous connection between the two.
Just like JFK, a Catholic, represented a chance for us to potentially infiltrate the WASP-controlled power structure; so does Obama! McCain and his backwoods Barbie represent the old guard that so desperately needs to be changed. You forget that Marx underneath all of his ideology and self-loathing was a Jew by birth as well as in God's eyes and all your fear of such now outdated/empty titles like Communist or Socialist is as laughable as the language of the Red Scare or the Salem Witch Trials.
You aren't white just because your skin is. You are Jews, one of the smallest minorities on the face of the planet. Aligning ourselves with people who understand our struggle far more than those that come from a lineage that could never fathom true discrimination would be the smartest thing for us. What are you afraid of? Change? Why, because the status quo has afforded us so much? Because the Crusades, the Inquisition and the Holocaust was brought onto us by radicals outside of the mainstream and not the goyum that were in control? No way! White christian conservative nationalist have always been the root of the problems that have befallen us through out our modern history. I call BS on anyone who can't see that. They aren't our enemies or anything of the sort, but a mere outdated annoyance that denies the fact that they aren't the majority anymore. The States are getting more diverse as we speak and it is needed. The 50s are dead, deal with it. The time is coming for the power to swing back to us and all those like us.
At March 19, 2009 at 6:31 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This is an interesting read. I am a Christian and Obama is NOT an evangelical Christian. He is a Social actavist who has attended a social actavist church for 20 years. He was asked by the Evangelical Association during his tour if he believed "Jesus i sthe way the truth and the life" & "that no man enters the Kingdom of God except through him". Obama stuttered and said "um aaa....there are other ways..." This statement clearly eliminates him as a Christian based on scripture. Don't be decieved. Obama IS socially radical and sympathitic to Islamic causes.
PS> Being raised as a true Christian, a follower of Christ, I was taught that Jewish people are under Gods promise of protection and you don't go against them. If you think Christian History says something else, talk to the old line Chatholics who are not taught this. 6 million Jews died in the Hollocaust, but so did 10 million Christians....probably protecting even the most liberal & socially "progressive" Jews of the day
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