Shimon Peres & Nanotechnology

Yishai, Shalom,
You know how Shimon Peres is going on and on about the wonders of nanotechnology.
I always wondered why.
Then, yesterday, listening to a podcast about nanotechnology and transhumanism, it finally dawned on me.
Trans what ? Transhumanism, according to Wikipedia:
an international, intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to enhance human, mental and physical abilities and aptitudes, and overcome what it regards as undesirable and unnecessary aspects of the human condition, such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death...
The name was coined by "our old friend" Sir Julian Huxley, the Darwinist, Eugenicist, and co-founder of the UN and first president of UNESCO.
The speaker said that transhumanists wish to re-engineer man from the cellular level, and spoke about the desire of the elite to extend their lifespan, or to create a race of soldiers who never get sick, do not need sleep, etc. This reminded me of the different kinds of people "decanted" in Aldous Huxley's (Sir Julian Huxley's brother!) anti-utopian novel "Brave New World." There are alpha's, beta's, gamma's, etc., each sub-species having their own role.
Or as Mr. Scogan (a character modeled satirically on Bertrand Russell, a friend of Sir Julian Huxley) describes how humans will be divided into subspecies in the future in Aldous Huxley's 1922 novel "Crome Yellow":
"In the Rational State ...human beings will be separated out into distinct species ... Examining psychologists ... will test each child that is born and assign it to its proper species. Duly labelled and docketed, the child will be given the education suitable to members of its species, and will be set, in adult life, to perform those functions which human beings of his variety are capable of performing."
In a previous chapter, Mr. Scogan describes how people in the future will be born.
"... An impersonal generation will take the place of Nature's hideous system. In vast state incubators, rows upon rows of gravid bottles will supply the world with the population it requires. The family system will disappear; ...."
Bertrand Russell was an advocate of a one-world government and a scientific dictatorship, in the above quotes referred to as the "rational state." This is much in keeping with Shimon Peres' ideas of a "new middle east."
Tamar Yonah frequently refers to the plans for world government as a modern day Tower of Bavel. Just as concentrating the state around the tower instead of allowing mankind to spread out and develop the world was against Hashem's plan, so is tampering with nature, as we learn from the various mitzvot relating to kilayim, growing 2 crops close together or breeding animals of different species.
Already there are reports of dangers from genetically modified corn and other products referred to as "Frankenfood." (Where is Al Gore ?)
Thus we see that there is a unifying principal behind Shimon Peres' various campaigns, namely forgetting our Jewish heritage and rebelling against Hashem's laws.
Labels: Leadership, Propaganda, War, Yishai
At October 27, 2008 at 11:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
HaShem has already created all "new" things waiting to be "discovered" by Man.
Man, himself, can not create anything "new".
HaShem ultimately gives permission to allow Man to bring forward a new "discovery", which HaShem has already created.
Fear HaShem - not Man.
Praise HaShem - not Man.
At October 28, 2008 at 9:22 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Russia, USA, Asia pumping billions into nano. This will change our world in ways we cant imagine. Energy, water purification/desalinization,agriculture, armor... There is no reason why the jews in israel cant be leaders in this growing field. After all we (jews) have always been pioneers in the sciences.
-Dovid, nanotechnology student.
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