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At September 17, 2007 at 9:27 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
MK Zehava ("Dances With Wolves") Galon has been MIA from the media for a while now and I was wondering whether this meant that the editors had finally had enough with her or whether she was just off preparing the next Oslo process or something. Looks increasingly like the former was true.
When she wrote Mazuz dmanding the government tell the Knesset details of the Syria op, the editors at Ynet set her up for a massive beating by (a) making the talkback format a pro-con vote and (b) slightly misrepresenting what she said (though not what she meant).
The result - an unprecedented Zehava bashfest. Even Beilin said he disagreed with her.
Zehava bashfest.
These things hurt a politician as hell. The whole Knesset is aware of something like this when it happens. At least the media savvy aides are.
At September 17, 2007 at 9:29 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
OT 2:
Dr. Gabi Avital on what he says is the castration of the IDF by feminist terrorists: Arutz Sheva in Hebrew.
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