Chareidi Community Funding Terrorists

No this is not about the Neturai Karta but about the "mainstream" chareidi community.
It's like this. There are four options for observing Shmittah.
1. If possible use 6th year produce, use imported produce from non-Arab countries, or produce from the southern Aravah.
2. Otzar Bet Din
3. Heter Mechirah
4. Arab Produce
A sizeable portion of the chareidi community has decided to embrace (as in past years) the 4th option, even though options 1 and 2 are 100% halachiclly sound!
Option 4 is extremely harmful. Aside from putting Jewish farmers that are observing the Torah and Shmittah out of business they are providing revenue to mass murderers that will use the very money they make from this to build rockets to fire at Israel and to build bomb belts to use on Israeli buses - Heaven forbid! One has to ask how option 4 can be permitted hachically at all. It can't be. Public pressure must be applied to the kashrus organizations that use this method. Boycotts should be arranged. And the chareidi public must be informed about what is going on. I did see one Chareidi publication - Mishpacha - was promoting the option of Otzar Bet Din over the other methods and that is an excellent start. But more needs to be done.
Here is a link to a story posted on The Yeshiva World. At the time of this post no comments were posted there yet. It will be interesting to see the discussion that develops.
Labels: Agriculture, Pinchas, Shmittah
At September 18, 2007 at 9:29 AM ,
Sharm said...
and israel do as they do !
At September 18, 2007 at 12:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
the yeshiva world blog is about as reliable as pravda. the commenters on that site are the sickest people on the planet, rivaled only by the idiotic ones at the vosizneias blog
At September 18, 2007 at 1:20 PM ,
Mr. Justice Jew said...
The problem is that halacha has no right to make the fourth option a viable one. It doesn't matter who works or owns the land, the land itself needs the sabbath. I really don't know how the rabbis worked this one out. The solution seems simple to me. Any produce grown on biblical lands should be forbidden to a God (and G-d) fearing Jew. But only in the sense that you wouldn't want to buy from a store if you knew it was stocked with stolen goods.
Stupid me, when I read the Torah it seems to say something very clear: don't plant and harvest on the seventh year. Leave the land fallow. When halacha gets its hands on it the land has no rest.
Why is it when there is something wrong with the way religious Jews are behaving, the religion itself is never scrutinized? Perhaps the problem is more fundamental than what religious Jews are willing to admit.
At September 18, 2007 at 1:54 PM ,
Anonymous said...
"[P]roviding revenue to mass murderers"???
Oy, oy, oy. Arab farmers are automatically all mass murderers? Have you never met an Arab farmer? A Druze farmer? Pinchas, you disappoint me. Arabs and Druze are a huge and growing percentage of the citizenry of the state. Druze serve in the army. They are Israelis and have been for longer than you or those members of the Kumah crowd that I know.
And Palestinian and neighboring Arabs are no more deserving of the accusation. Israel and Egypt and Turkey have great relations. Israelis buy their goods and produce on a regular basis.
And, my friend, if peace is ever going to come to the state it will be through economic prospeity in the territories. It is only when families in Gaza and the West Bank have steady jobs and income and a sense of security that internal pressure for peace will come from the territories. Buying produce, supporting construction of factories, not destroying infrastructure... these are basic steps every peace-desiring Israeli should take.
At September 18, 2007 at 2:11 PM ,
Pinchas said...
Thank you Thomas Freidman.
These Arab farmers (not Druze but Arabs) pay taxes to the PA. Taxes on 100 million dollars, which these Arabs are set to earn, comes to tens of millions of dollars in funds that get funneled right into the hands of terrorists. Period.
Second point. Osama Bin Laden is one of the wealthiest Arabs in the world. The western mind has to get off the mentality of believing that Arabs are trying to kill us only because they must be suffering too much. Arabs try to kill us because they are raised to believe that Allah desires Jews dead and by killing a Jew one earns eternal paradise. Western minds don't really believe in the concept of G-d, certainly not dying for G-d, therefore they can never ever understand the Arab mentality and they come up with incorrect flawed conclusions like Arabs must be really suffering to blow themselves up. Until the West finally catches on to understand this, they - and peace are doomed to fail.
At September 19, 2007 at 2:27 AM ,
Dan in Jerusalem said...
Notice Hegelian dialectic between "Mamlachti" (gov't supporting, expulsion force hugging) Religious Zionist Rabbis who want Heter Mechira vs. Haredim who want to buy lettuce from terrorists (Hamasalat).
Otzar Beit Din is the only solution true to the spirit of the Halachah. Both the Mamlachtiim and the Haredim are controlled by the gov't. They are diverting us from the real solution with their little fight.
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