How To Pray for Aliyah

By Adam Kenigsberg
As many of you know, one of the central components to Jewish practice is prayer. Three times a day, we engage in a conversation with our Creator. The central portion of this conversation is known as the Shemoneh Esrei (which means 18, although there are 19 parts to it - long story, not for now). This prayer is also known as the amidah (which means standing) because it is said while standing.
Of the 19 sections, the first three are praises of G-d, the last three are "thank yous" to G-d, and the middle 13 are requests.
What you may not know is that one is allowed, and even encouraged, to add personal prayers within the paragraphs of the Shemoneh Esrei. It is preferable to do this sometime before the last line of each paragraph (which always starts with "Baruch...") and should be related to the general topic of that request - as you will see below.
What I noticed from my own prayers is that EVERY ONE of the requests has something to do with a Jew living in Israel!
Below is a list of the 13 requests in the Shemoneh Esrei. Each paragraph is noted by the first few words of that paragraph, transliterated and in quotations. Then, I put in my own personal Aliyah-related prayer that relates to that specific paragraph. You can find a copy of the standard Shemoneh Esrei in any traditional Jewish prayer book (I believe the most popular publisher today is Artscroll - particularly if you want an English translation of the prayers)
Anyway, here it is:
"Atah Chonein" - Please give me understanding to realize how important it is for my soul to dwell in your holy land.
"Hashiveinu Avinu" - Just as you "return" me from transgressor to righteous again, please return me to the land that you promised my righteous ancestors.
"Selach Lanu" - Please erase any of my sins that may be stopping you from granting me the privilege of doing Your Will in Your Holy Land.
"Re'eh B'anyeinu" - Please make me part of the beginning of the redemption by placing me in the land of redemption.
"Refaeinu Hashem" - Please heal me from my own doubts and worries about moving and give me full spiritual health in the land that you created for the Jewish soul.
"Barech Aleinu" - Please give me the money I need to (get out of debt here, and) move to Israel - and please provide me with a livelihood in Your Holy Land.
"Tikah B'Shofar" - You promise through prophecy to eventually gather in all Jews from the four corners of the Earth and bring them to Israel. I volunteer to go now!!! Please gather me first!
"Hashivah Shofteinu" - Please remove me from the laws of a foriegn nation (U.S., Canada, UK, wherever you are) and bring me to the land where only You, G-d, are in control.
{Jewish teachings say that G-d appointed an angel for each nation on Earth, to control day-to-day life - except for the nation of Israel, where G-d controls every detail directly}
"V'Lamalshinim" - The Talmud compares one who lives in the Diaspora to an idol worshiper!!! Please remove my wicked status of idol worshiper and bring me to the only land that You created for the Jewish people to serve You!
"Al Hatzadikim" - In the merit of the truly righteous, both those that are with us today and those that have passed into the world of Truth - please consider my pleas to live in the Land of Israel.
"V'Lyerushalayim" - The return of the Jewish people to Israel is the first step to rebuilding Jerusalem and the Holy Temple - please enable me to be a part of this rebuilding.
"Et Tzemach David" - The Kingdom of (a descendant of) King David can only be established when the People of Israel dwell in the Land of Israel. Please bring me to Israel as one more step towards this Kingship.
"Shema Koleinu" {This is traditionally where the person praying will insert any additional requests. Pray for Aliyah, as well as any other personal needs, in the middle of this prayer}
I hope that this will improve your focus and intention in your prayers. Obviously, feel free to re-word any or all of these personal requests as you like. Also, feel free to copy and distribute this to anyone.
May we all merit to live in the Holy Land of Israel very soon!!!
Labels: Aliyah, Spirituality, Yishai
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