"Place Your Lemon On the Conveyor Belt, Sir"
You lucky, lucky American Jews. Do you know that the United States' vigilant anti-terror watch, which has become so vigorous as to ban potentially explosive shampoo and expose feet, has been downgraded just for you?
Apparently, despite your suspicious appearance and strange rituals, you will be allowed to board planes with the most dangerous weapon of all:
Your Etrog.
U.S. Allows Carrying 'Four Species' on Airplanes
(IsraelNN.com) The United States Transportation Administration has stated that the "four species" (arba minim) of a palm branch, myrtle and willow twigs and the etrog are not on the TSA's list of prohibited items for carrying on airplanes in the country. ["Sir, we have a 458 subsection B here. That's right, we believe several passengers are potentially smuggling illegal substances inside suspicious vegetation which they have brought on the plane..... yes sir, I believe that one of the leafy materials resembles marijuana... Okay, I'm taking him in."]
The department noted that the arba minim used on the Sukkot holiday are significant for Jews and has advised workers and security officials at airports that Jews may be meditating and using them in prayers while waiting for airplanes. ["*gasp* Dear G-d in Heaven, is that bearded man wobbling and shaking that green sword and that yellow grenade looking thing?! I just KNEW that it would be my plane, I KNEW it!! Our G-d, who art in Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name..."]
On one recent flight, passengers were suspicious of an Jew who was meditating while praying.
Labels: America, Humor, Jewish Holidays, Malkah
At October 2, 2007 at 10:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Great joke! Good Succos talk! Thank You!
At August 3, 2013 at 8:13 PM ,
albina N muro said...
try this out ~! conveyor systems
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